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Hey my friend how you go as Chris and cheetah hear from Chris and Jen calm back again with you and then it’s big exciting episode with Tom on Hey look we email marketing right so in this video I’m gonna go specifically on how to set up a aweber email list with Danny Aweber alright so if you haven’t already definitely give this video a like definite subscribe to the channel so you get more of these videos and stay total to the rest of the videos in this series alright so hey we don’t get right down into it alright let’s go alright here we go so we’re gonna show you how to set up a list within a weber alright so assuming that you’ve already scouted gotten signed up you got set up if you haven’t already and definitely check the link down there to check out your free 30-day 30-day trial alright and then once you’ve got a set up and shipped me on your account overview dashboard and you want to set up and do this so the first thing you can do is I like to go up here right so you can come up here to manage lists alright and once you do that you’re gonna see this nice little green but big green button that says create a list alright so yeah kick that and it’s gonna take you to this next screen where it’s gonna show you you know everything all the other information how to create lists okay so it’s just so now you’re in the set up your list right so the way they describe it right this is a group of subscribers who have given you permission to send them broadcasts right one-time messages and newsletters or campaigns which is an automated series of messages via email right think of it as a group of people or contests with common interests who want to hear from you right so we’re setting up a list so that we can communicate with people who want to hear from us with things that are their their interest right so first thing you’re going to see is your company name so if you got a company name you can put that in there right then free to me because I think because I’ve already created like a bunch of lists already and kind of filled it in for me right and then then you got your company website which is the next thing I’m gonna make sure you see your company website right so this could mean whatever website I I think I believe that it’s best to put your own website so if you have like a replicated website from like a network marketing company I wouldn’t put that here you know I would put your own blog right and I and if you don’t have what I believe it’s okay you know I don’t think you have to have one so you can always leave this blank but if you do have one I probably put it there all right and then the next thing is gonna ask you is what address would you like to include at the bottom of your emails so if you never notice like if you ever been on other people’s email list they have this information it’s on the bottom right their name and where you know and their address and then option to unsubscribe from your list which you always have to give people the option to like to go away they don’t want to be on your list right then they have to make it has to be click you know pen and clear for them and so the address on here you can pick I think me personally I don’t think you probably want to put your personal address on here so if you got a business address I put that on here if you don’t you know get you a pillbox that’s what I did and so I got just got a pillbox it’s pretty they’re pretty cheap you know then you’ve got to pay like a you know a couple bucks or something like that for a whole year but it’s not that much and to me it’s well worth it so get you a pillbox you don’t have to put your personal in there all right if you don’t have one then you can you know I I don’t know you know just try to find an address maybe you can put your company’s address or something you know for the time being until you can get one all right and then it’s gonna ask you what your sender name and email just ship should be appeared with your emails so we’re not sending my even owes obviously you want your name now you have some kind of you know different named and you could put that there right well usually I just put my name here and then the sender email which is Chris Chris intercom so whatever email is you that you want people to know that you’re sending it from alright then once you do that then you just click the nice big blue button that says next step then it’s gonna ask you to describe your list so what would you like to name your list alright this is gonna be a list name so people are not going to necessarily see this list name so you can pretty much put what you want to put that’s gonna help you remember what the list is about let’s say I’m doing a list on you health all I can say you know maybe health tips I can spell health tips list or whatever so health tips and tricks’ something like that right so whatever you want to put to help you remind you what this list is about and then briefly describe the emails that your subscribers are going to receive right so you could put things like you know healthy like it’s a healthy low-fat recipes very percent weekly or whatever whatever the description is but I what I’ve learned is that this this description and seeing down here it tells you your subscribers will see this description so you want to be careful what you put here but I think it’s interesting is that this is an opportunity to put in something that’s really going to keep people on your list because the only time a song is going to your subscriber will see this list and when they’re actually trying to unsubscribe so this is a great time to put down on there something that tells them hey you know the value add together so that they maybe they reconsider so you can say this list is about getting the very best health and wellness and fitness tips and tricks ever spanked fit is tough as it is with our busy lives why not do it together and why not do it together right and you say I promise to always deliver the very very best value I have to offer stay on my list so something like that right really just describing the value that you give and then this is just one last distance say hey stay on my list so it may not so it’s all good but that that’s what I use this section for right so now after you do that then you want to click here for next step then it’s going to say approve your confirmation message all right so the confirmation message can be sent to a new subscriber when they join your list it asks for their permission to receive emails from you all right and so you can basically customize this message right so that basically what is this when someone when someone opts in to your list they get something from you somehow they get on your list right this will be the first email that they’ll get that’s basically saying hey just want to confirm that you wanted did you want to get on my list that you’re okay with that and so here is like please click the button below to confirm that you like to receive emails from and then you can put your list the list name automatically populates there right and so actually what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna leave this the way it is and be okay with it because later on as we’re going through these list process I’m going to show you what I do just basically I don’t do the confirmation message because that’s a formula double opt-in and I don’t like doing that me particularly and I’ll explain to you why and so this parts not gonna matter so I usually just kind of skim through this part and just come down here to say a pre message and create list and then will allow my friend you have your very first list and you can see that up here by it’s saying your current list so you always want to make sure that you whatever you’re doing work you’re on your current the current list that you’re on is the one that you want to be on because that’s where all the work is happening all the subscribers your messages it’s happening on that particular do you just want to make sure that you’re on the right list so now that we’re on there what I like to do here’s what I like to do is I like to kind of because I’ve created lists before what I will do is I will go and open up let’s say I have a list called marketing black vans right and so I put that there and then what I’ll do then is I’ll open up right click and I’ll open up in a new window manage list or actually looks like stare down open up in a new tab yeah and so what I want to do is open up the list that we just made right health tips and tricks all right some click on that and it brings me here now boy where we are is on the list options okay so let me go back here so the marketing box fans what I’m gonna go is list options right and you have listed as custom fields list automation email parsers so you just click on the list options here it brings you to the same page that you just saw here except this one is for this list marking blog fans and this one is for health tips and tricks right that we just made now what I usually do is that I go through these list options right after I create the list that’s the next step so what you’re gonna do is you start from the top so you’re on basic settings right now right and so basic information the bare essentials of your licks right so the list name that’s already on there right it has a unique list ID which will be which will be important when you’re talking about integrating your list with certain lead pages and lead capture pages so we’re gonna talk about that right now but this is where you would be able to come find it if you need it right in this description kind of we talked about two last-ditch effort to keep people on your list right from from your name at the address that you want people to see the contact address that you wanted users so you can do so if you want to and so here says notification so if you want to receive an email anytime a new subscribers add it to your list you can do that right so you can put your name and your email address your personal email whichever one that you usually use to stay that you use the most and you can add that on there and that way anytime someone gets on your list you’ll get me enough for that so in the beginning I might be cool but when you start generating all these leaves and you may not want to do that but here’s where you can say you can do here and then once you’re done you can just say hey save settings and then it should say successfully saved your settings then you move on to the next one personalize personalize your list right and so this is about your branding you right so I have my own company here so you have if you have a company name put that there or you can have just your name whatever name you’re using right now you’ve got your website URL right you could put that here and they have an email signature so here’s what I like to go to like my other list because I had this information already right so I’ll go to personalize your list and I have an email signature already so I’ll just like to copy it alright and then go back here and paste it alright and so and so it’s real simple my name and you know what what I do and my tagline and in my website right so you can kind of do whatever you want to do then you can upload your logo right so I usually use the same logo as here so this is the logo that I’ll usually use so let me see if I could find it alright so I found it here it is so that’s a double click it and upload and I’m going here it is alright so we have a little goal for your for your brand even you can put that here too alright and then it asks about social media and sharing so if you want to integrate your Twitter your Facebook right when with your with your anywhere you can do that so when you when you start to send out broadcast messages they’ll actually give you the option to to access send them on your Twitter or post it on your on your Facebook automatically so you can do that I connected my Twitter because I do I do a lot of that stuff with it but I didn’t connect my Facebook if you wanted to you just click on these buttons and I’ll just kind of walk into the steps on how to do that I and then you have a broadcast archive settings I really don’t mess with this I don’t worry about that and then I’m subscribed page I don’t wanna mess with that either I leave it how it is and then global text snippets I don’t mess with that either okay so know that that’s it so they don’t get anywhere just save settings and you’re good to go then we move on to the next one confirmation message right so your confirmation message if turned on a confirmation message aka a double opt-in or confirmed opt-in is set to your subscribers immediately I’m just signing up to your list this allows them to confirm they want to receive your emails some of this content is customizable which you can update below alright so essentially what I was talking about before right you can basically if someone signs up on your list or joins your lists on how they become a lead you you can set it and this is set up so that they would see the first email they received is them is them asking the that person to confirm that they actually want to be on your list write what’s called a double active so the active in the first time and then they have to opt in the second time through this email confirmation message right and so to be honest I don’t do that all right I don’t do that because personally I feel like I lose a lot of leads doing that and I just want to get people on my list they’ve already told me that they wanted to be on my list by grabbing my free my lead magnet or my content or being on my webinar whatever the case is I’m good with that I don’t need them to tell me twice that they need they didn’t want to do that so me personally I don’t have this on you couldn’t turn it on if you want to but I don’t so when I don’t so there’s a two part part to do this right so the first part in order to make sure that your Aweber does not have a double comp double opt-in confirmation especially come down here to where it says confirmation message settings while we strongly recommend meeting confirmed confirmed opt-in on to forget little bility reasons you’re gonna say they believe for imports the signup forms on your website so yeah I’m trying it off so send confirmation message for web a Weber signup forms off and then of course they say we strongly recommend that you leave it subscriptions blah blah blah I’m okay I don’t have palms with fall spam or anything like that so I say yes so all of this is off right and then confirmation success page if you have you’re gonna send them somewhere you could put them put your custom success you know Thank You page here but if you’re using like you know fun Eliza for MSP or leadpages or IR click funnels or hey he’s really popular ones but you probably don’t need to do this so I don’t bother with this right and then you save settings alright now that was part one so an interesting thing about this about Aweber is that even though you said no here and you do not want double double opt-in confirmations they still don’t do that they still respect that right so you you have to take a second step which is essentially you emailing their Aweber support to tell them that hey Q please remove the double opted on this list because for whatever reason there’s something that’s in that in the list that doesn’t allow you to completely get rid of it I don’t know why so this is what I wanna show this is how you do it step one is make sure it’s off here step two you go to your email and you send them an email and I’m gonna show you what it looks like right now okay so I’m about to send an email right I mean in my email email provider and so what you do is very simple all you have to do is it said it’s send an email to a Weber support so that’s basically right here help at a Weber comm right so if you don’t know it you can just type in help at a Weber calm and that’s it a Weber support all right so that’s the email and then what I’ll put in the subject line is double opt-in that’s not if I can spell double opt-in removal that’s all you know me that’s all you have to say then I say let me say hi I would like to remove the double opt-in for the list and then you give them the name of the rich in this case it was health tips and tricks right and I just put their here health tips and tricks’ call it Thanks my name that’s it that’s all that I put and then you just hit click send and that’s it alright and when to once you hit that they’re going to respond to you and then really really quickly I’m not gonna send it because I’m not gonna keep this list but this is what all you would send all right and then that’s how you would then completely disable the double opt-in so that’s it once you’ve done it you have completely set up your first list for your Aweber email marketing campaign congratulations of course if you ever need to go to any of your other lists you can always just come up here to manage lists right and it’ll give you a list of all the lists that you currently have and then you could always just go back to it click on it here and it will take you to the list options where you can make any adjustments that you ever need um if the if any for any reason you have to so that’s pretty much it hope you enjoyed that video hope that was helpful to get your first Aweber list up and going CGA we’re with email marketing going alright you did hit forget the video like and subscribe to the channel right and oh by the way hey you want to learn how to take your email marketing to the very next level you may want to check out this really cool program my good friend I had put together that is basically will show you how to get tons subscribers into your list twist them around and get them to buy anything or anything you ever want them to do right so if you want to get in on that you get want to check out that when you can get more information on that all right so that’s it my friend this has been anyone with email marketing a weber tutorial on how to set up your first email list alright until next time be blessed down got there see on the next one bye

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