A Friend and mentor of mine has Gone Wacko– Here your chance.
He is such a nice guy and now I am really Worried about him.
Check this out and you will see why he has gone bonkers… just watch the Video.

Looks like the little men in the white suits are looking for him, SO HURRY before they catch him and the video
is taken down for his protection!



Click that link or read it here

Hello everyone my name is John Thornhill and I am so so happy that you’ve taken the time out of your dear to be with me on this workshop before we get started please just give me a quick yes in the question box if you can hear me just take yes in the question box let me know that you can hear my voice and you should be looking at my screen and you should be looking at the slide that’s telling you that you are about to discover the proven formula to generate major success in 2018 and beyond so let me quickly check okay everyone seems to be hearing me and seeing my screen so we are all good so far now we’re going to do something a little bit different here okay I’m actually going to go alive on camera too so hopefully this is going to work I’m going to count down from three okay three two one go hello hello guys hopefully you can now see me on camera please let me know just see I can see you if you can’t see me on camera just so I know everything is working okay so we’re going to try and do this a little bit different and we’re gonna try and be a little bit interactive we’ve got the slides here and we’ve got the slideshow as well and I’m going to obviously try and take questions as we go one thing I will stress guys if I do miss your question if you ask me something and I miss it please don’t worry I’ll also be taking questions at the end to hear so everyone can see me everyone can hear me everything is looking really really good okay so let’s just get straight on with it so I personally use this system and I’m going to show you on this workshop to generate over 1 million dollars on govt zoo alone ok that’s the actual screenshot there you can see I’ve actually at the time of taking the screenshot I did five hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars as a vendor so that’s actually selling products and four hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars as an affiliate lucky little bit of a fluke I was just browsing my air gob zoo account as you do checking stats and things and I realized I was about to cross the million dollar mark and now one thing I will I will reveal straight away up here I wouldn’t have earned this if it wasn’t for doing this okay so basically I own my affiliate income because of what I do selling my own products and services okay and that’s ultimately what we are going to be getting into on this workshop okay and I’m also going to be giving you a live demo of my system that you can literally room with right after the workshop okay so certainly just workshop was done you can run with this okay and I just want to show you these are you know I’m not gonna see every single day I’m only ten grand or Kia that will be that would be very very nice foot and more stairs on jvzoo I do earn over $1000 on most years yes as the occasional deer where that doesn’t happen when you combine my affiliate earnings and my and my earnings from selling my own products and I generally am doing over $1000 per year and like you sometimes we have really good deals you can see there we did ten grand you know got a three and a half grand for almost five grand and that’s obviously just one part of jvzoo you’ve got the you’ve got the vendor stats and you’ve also got the affiliate stats which we’ll go into more as we go as we go through this okay I’ve also been awarded top affiliate status on jvzoo this was actually in the first half of 2016 JB’s ooh haven’t done that since then which is a bit of a shim and but at that particular time I was one of the top 10 affiliates on the whole of the JV zoo network so that’s some achievement there up here and again I’m going to be I’m going to be sharing how how I’m generating this large affiliate income and it’s probably not what you’re going to think it is okay and but it’s actually not really about me okay this is about what what I can help you achieve or care and and what I’m about to talk about on this workshop and is responsible for John Bartell having a six-figure launch within 90 deers no let me know how awesome would have failed to have a six-figure launch within 90 days let me know what would that they like feel free to type away in the question box and that will be awesome okay Wow lots and lots and lots of comments here or it would be unbelievable I want to make it happen or kit well as it happens this formula I’m going to reveal for you as well is responsible for Trevor McAfee generating $50,000 in SEOs in 70s so forget the six-figure launch in 90 days what about generating 50 grand in about seven years how good would that feel okay you want to learn how to ever got results like this this is his dearly earnings here and you can see sometimes you’ve got the you’ve got you philia affiliate snapshot and seller snapshot and the Bothwell hand-in-hand sometimes which I talk more about like I said later on but you’re also going to see how Trevor literally did the jvzoo top ten here here you have three with three of his products in the funnel in the top ten and gritty pcs five dollars twenty six don’t know what that means that means for every click I went to his website that’s how much she was earning yeah and you can see here just shy of 50 grand obviously that’s gone we’re past that now ya know and why shouldn’t we courage you to tea at naught and ask questions okay and you know like I said if you ask a question and I don’t answer it please don’t worry I’ll try and get it at the end okay we’ll do a Q&A at the end but obviously I want you to be taking notes I want you to obviously get the most your company so make sure you’ve got some form of taking in order to get a pen and paper whatever nor pad your iPad with north on whatever whatever it takes just make sure you’re in a position to tips from naught so okay and and also if you stick around I promise that if you save through it at the end of this presentation you’re going to be in a great position to provide for you and your family from your own products and services okay you’re going to learn absolutely everything I know okay and I’ve been doing this full time since 2006 okay and you’re going to learn absolutely everything I know okay now before we get started I want it I want to give you my two minutes story and I will try and keep this very very brief am because I know what time is precious and so this is where I used to work okay it actually it gives me a little shiver looking at this picture I actually found it on my cell phone after I left now I used to work in a car plant and you can see you can say hey if you look carefully there’s doors and you can see the parts here now imagine the doors are coming to watch you and you have to fit the part okay so so literally you are a human robot working as fast as you possibly can you’ve got to keep up with the production line okay doing the same thing over and over and over and over again usually about 400 times a shift you do when you’re doing cycles of around 90 seconds it was absolutely mine nominally boring okay not only that you’re obviously getting tall when the week went when they use a bathroom when they ate went to sleep everything you know you’ve got a job you know exactly what I mean well in this type of environment as well you couldn’t just stop to even fasten your shoeless because the production line was moving know what I love but it was a sort of blessing in disguise because I had to get there’s just Norway could have spent my whole life doing that I mean some people are happy to do that but that was not for me okay and so that’s when I started to do things online now this is where I am now I’m actually not at this desk right now as you can see I’m I’m at a stand-up desk in front of the TV monitor but literally in that room just there is that desk where I run my online business okay and I’ve got a purpose-built office here in the northeast of England right down by the riverside beautiful location and the difference between this and this is just Nitin dear okay I now get when I want Teknik Asians when I want I finish work when I want and I haven’t really heard it alarm clock for yours okay the only time I can recall hearing an alarm clock is to go and get a flight to go on vacation to get up early for the to catch a flight and that’s the truth okay I’m I don’t generally set an alarm I usually wake up naturally about 7080 M and tickety’s he’s getting in the office about and if I’m being honest I usually spend about 4 to 6 hours adiyae working on my business now I don’t even have to do that much if I don’t want to but I absolutely know what I do so I’ve literally gone from this to this look here know my life now I try and I try and get to get on as many vacations as I can’t because my internet business can literally ruin what it would can run itself so I love my boarding holidays for anything for anyone who’s familiar with the yukia I love the Norfolk Broads and that’s a few pictures from that there that’s me my good lady Nicola there in a beta there and I really just enjoy life and it’s not just really about the money it’s about the freedom that your internet business been bringing okey and again that’s what we’re going to be discussing on this workshop and I did have one a bit of a moment where I had a little bit of a midlife crisis bought myself a BMW m6 and just a ridiculously fast car thing it was capable of doing 200 miles an hour I never ever did that of course but you know what was one of those one of those moments where I just saw I treat myself but times have changed I’m no grandfather I have grandchildren to look after and ironically I can now spend more time with my grandchildren my two granddaughters than I could with my sons Jamie and Alex because it when they’re with this age and I was literally working in a factory on DSU tonight CFX over Hannah hope I would hardly say them and now I’m a bit more responsible I’ve got myself in a CF car for anyone who knows their cars that is the evolved or ninety and one of the safest cars in the world as it happened but that’s about a $90,000 car okay if you told me I’d be driving about in something like a few years ago I would have told you you’re crazy so literally and I’ve gone from you know working it like I said working in a car plant to running my own online business and why I got my start on a be okay this is my EB ID here you’ve been gone Chet I don’t know if you wanted to 17000 feedback and how I got started was basically a hurt well first of all I tried lots and lots of different ways to make money online some of the ways I try to make money online you would not believe OPM one thing I do remember I bought into this system what said M if you if you leave your computer switched on you will make money okay just give us twenty dollars it was something like twenty dollars okay so I pick up my twenty dollars wow this sounds really good and I just have to literally leave my computer switched on all it was was a system throwing hands at me okay and literally when you when you spend $20 $10 once that went in the person promoting the site in ten dollars wants to win of the owner and you know like that sort of a pyramid the pyramid type thing you know but anyway I fell for it so the the point I’m trying to make here is I’ve tried lots of systems I’ve tried lots of methods I bought in a lot of programs that haven’t worked and if you’ve done the sim I can relate to it okay I have been that I have done that and I can be sort Leawood just like anyone else and but what I’m going to hopefully sort of educate you about tonight is realized when you’re getting swore to and wet and when you should be investing in something and when you shouldn’t but anyway to cut a long story short I found someone selling the collection of ebooks on a cd-rom that had resale rights no I peered over 50 dollars for this CD and if you remember you just burn a CD on a computer pop it in an envelope and ship it that was cost what maybe three four dollars to do I realized when it arrived that this person had literally made about forty five dollars profit merely after fees and all it did was shipped me a disc worth about 30 40 cents so I thought wow this is what I’m gonna do I’m gonna copy this disc and do the sim problem was everyone else was doing it or here and that basically meant that the prices just pull limited and we will rent you getting stored for literally three four dollars at the time no my little brick through Mormon kin when I took a few of these ebooks from this cd-rom and started to sell him individually I thought to myself when is selling some of them on the disk I sell the best ones for one or two dollars each and just deliver them digitally now in the early days I was actually a merely myth someone you know when they bought the e-book I was emailing it as an attachment believe it or not in solitary you know it was mine all done manually this was we about in about 2004 all the next few months I devised a system where when someone bought an e-book from me you’ll be getting taken to a thank you page you’ll get put on a customer list that make further offers things like that and that was a system that I perfected now the big moment came when I started to teach others how to do this I thought to myself well I can teach others how held it and copy my knee be a business know the reason I did that was because on eBay people can see what you’re doing you can see how much you’re selling stuff for example to profit you make X you know everything you’re doing an ABI can be seen so I knew always getting watched anyway and people were starting to copy my business so I thought why not devise a system but I can well I can educate people tell them what they do tell them how to get something on eBay tell em how to order me edit and I saw the product for $97 that’s when what things took off I was literally selling between five and ten of these items every year and ninety seven dollars at a time again this was a digitally delivered product when someone bought something they were talking to a members area where I had some air videos and XM we’re basically a whole membership site now the brick-like the reason I’m telling you this is is if you perfected system usually want to make more money teaching the system okay let’s just see if for example you’ll find a way to get traffic from YouTube okay if you omit any money doing that or if you’re getting traffic doing that you will probably find you make even more money by teaching others how to do that okay if you find a way to build a list or even if things like lose weight or get fit if you come up with a little system that’s work for you you’ll usually find people will want to know how you did it and they will invest money to find them yeah and that was like the the major thing for me was I thought wow people want to learn from me they want to learn her exactly how I run my a be a business or what else can I teach people and that’s when I thought on myself was anything else I can I can sort of learn and teach others okay so that was that was when I realized that I’m selling in for me or selling digital products was going to be the future for me okay now like I said I’ve literally changed my life thanks to the functions needing it okay I’ve gone from working in a car plant to having multiple get vacations and living the life I want to live okay so thing is when I did this I literally did it like this okay I started trying to make money online in 1999 okay in 1999 and I put myself in a position to quit my job it was actually June the 3rd 2006 I remember the day like it was yesterday but I made so many mistakes to get to that point we’re talking nearly 7 years okay of trial and error you know doing a few things right doing a few things wrong you know the thing is I know where people are going wrong today because of this so when that while I did all of this and middle tons of errors you don’t have to work here because I’m gonna show you that again for me at the be which is beginning a success in the shortest time possible okay so uh you wanna let me do that guys please leave a comment let me know if it’s all here for me to assure you hope to get from here to be basically beginner to successful internet marketer in the quickest time possible okay yes John I am ready sure okay okay right then just before we start okay and you’re probably aware that we had a fast action bonus for attending this workshop here and basically the deal is you attend a workshop and you get my best selling product simple Traffic Solutions to sell as your own okay now what here’s how it’s going to work okay once this webinar has ended I’m going to pull up the attend a report and I’m basically going to send a link to everyone who steers till the end within 24 hours so check your inbox within 24 hours I’m going to give you that link two reasons we do it like this obviously I need to see who’s attended because after the deal you have to attend the workshop and also I don’t want to give you it now because you’re going to get distracted it’s actually a quite a large file you need to download as well and a door on there am in the fear with yayan and a bandwidth or anything like that okay so just keep an eye on your inbox over the next 24 hours long we’re just at the end and you get a link to that okay that deal that fair enough okay brilliant okay right then get a quick drink it’s very hot under these lights and basically I’m under I’m under the three lights here and obviously the TV gives off some heat as well so I’m a little bit I’m a little bit warm let’s see it but anyway when you sign up for my webinars or any of my workshops and the very first link I send out is a link to obviously attend the webinar and what another link I put in the email is to get one of my Serbia’s up here now that’s what we’re going to talk about first up here if you haven’t if you didn’t say the link please don’t worry it’s not a problem but the thing I want to get across here is we’ve been running this Serbia since 2012 okiya and January 5th things that you can see here right over 4,000 people tear this survey so it’s quite accurate because obviously the more people who take this survey the more accurate yes okay and now I ask I ask a series of questions and it’s the answers what will go on a discussing the answers are gonna show you where most people are sort of going wrong on the line here and so the first question I asked was have you ever bought a product that has promised it will be easy to make money online I think we all know this is going to be quite high and it’s 94 percent okay so 94 percent of people took my Serbia but bought something at sale it’s easy to make money online no think about this from all do we do we really buy that it’s easy it’s really easy and to make money online or is that what we want to believe you know and I and I think personally a lot of people want their believe it’s going to be easy because I don’t want this the Dauntless idea of having to do and a ton of work now I’m here to tell you that um it’s not as easy as you might think it’s going to be if you’re just starting out and you know there’s no sort of quick trick there’s no sort of quick path to internet riches or overnight success and if you’ve been doing this for a Furio you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about yeah so one little thing I want to get across to you is it’s going to take you some work if you want to become truly successful online you can’t just sit back and do nothing you can once you get to that point you know once you’ve once you’ve built a business you literally can’t sit back and then one you can call mean all the night and put together that’s the edge is going to take some work no look at this second question out of all the products you’ve bought online how many have fail to deliver on what they promised no I think we can get this might be quite high and it is okay and 24 percent said every single product I bought let’s feel it deliver that’s warning for products okay feel it deliver sorry wanting for people every for every single Pollack the bottle its liver 58 percent I mean we’re talking nearly two or three again said most what we’re trying to see here is more products and not delivering would you agree most products here that people are buying online are not delivering what they promised no the main reason for this is basically that the seals copy okay people clever marketers are using seals copy that pushes it pushes the buttons let me at you buy your product then usually the buttons here push are the easy one but the try and convince you that something’s going to be easy look with the tip which work and you’re gonna me a morning for doing very little and and this is a cycle a lot of people get caught up in you know they get caught up in this cycle whether buying product after product after product because I’ve seen the seen Ollie’s email to come to that inbox from marketers promoting stuff what’s seen it’s gonna be easy when the truth is it’s not okay and again that’s what I want big thing I want you to take away from this no because of this okay Eata percent of people do not trust most on my modest that’s nearly 9 out of 10 do not trust most online mods and again it’s hardly surprising when you look at what the industry’s like oh yeah the industry is it you know don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of really really good marketers online we really want the health paper but there’s also a lot of marketers online who just doubt that and take advantage of people and unfortunately those people there’s sometimes very very successful in the South thousands and thousands of products what don’t really deliver what they promise because of that this is what happens here know hopefully you’re going to trust me I’m going to be as honest as I can i if there’s one thing I am that I can clear my BAE it’s honest look here and that’s what you’re going to find everything go through this workshop I’m not going to fill you with false promises and give you this sort of I’m not gonna pin a rosy picture okay again if you want to be successful it’s going to t it work look at this question um how much would you estimate you have spent online so far in order to become successful and this is where it gets really really interesting look at look at these results okay so 41% have spent about the five grand book here 26% less than a thousand which is I actually thought that will be a little Walker’s image but look at this 17% of spent it’s been up to ten grand ten percent of the 25 grand and five percent over 25 grand so we look at this this part here you know over 30 percent have spent a lot of money trying to become successful online and here is what I believe is the main problem with this when you’re getting at this sort of money when you get to this sort of level way spending you know all the 10 grand over 25 grand and all for a fact you’re investing in some sort of done-for-you system or service and don’t get me wrong if you’re in a position to drive traffic you can buy a ready-made product already near to fun love someone and you can make that work but the problem I see happening is is you know people who come to me and consult with me will usually tell me the best little invested in you know not gonna hear them live they spent fifteen grand on one of your systems or I’m not going to be they’ve spent 20 grand on it on it on the done-for-you service which included a product and that they could sell is everyone the problem when you do that is or when you when you buy something that’s done for you you’re left to your own devices to drive the traffic emit the sales I mean for example if you came to me and said John I want you to create me a product and you know I’ll give you 25 grand of your current me a product with the sales formal with a membership site with the energy of a page with a squeeze page everything if you you know if you came to me and offered me 25 grand to do that I probably would like probably delivering about 10 years but then I give you the product and say oh there you go there’s a problem that will convert that will meet your money you don’t know what to do you haven’t got the experience to drive traffic you haven’t got the connections to recruit you of these so you’re going to struggle there you’ve got something I can probably mean it your money but you don’t know how to get it to me at you money and again that’s when this can leave the problem so then you invest in let’s say you invest 10 20 grand in something like this you become disheartened because you’ve just spent a lot of money no the person selling it is this doing for your part is going to tell you that it’s ready to go can me at you money you know all you have to do is drive traffic and that is true probably all you have to do is drive traffic but how do you do that yeah you butch better off learning the process okay instead of buying something done for you learn the process then you can do it yourself as many times as you want okay again I’m gonna I’m going to talk about the process so remember this we’ve got people spending a lot of money and when we’ve got this question how long have you been working on building your online business look at this okay so there’s quite a few if I haven’t started between one and two years 16% between one and five years 16 sorry 6 yes 16 percent again and basically look at this saw between 1 & 3 & over 5 years ok that’s we’re talking nearly half okay so all 36 percent that’s all the warning all the one-in-three been trying to do this for over five years okay but look at this did you hit your income goals No here so you can see the pattern here people are spending a lot of money and a lot of time trying to build an online business but they’re literally not getting the resources you want yeah look at this question on this is this is a key one okay have you ever created your own product nor 77% now this this is actually it’s probably higher because I’m guessing a few people who said yes have bought something with rights it should have worded that differently maybe but again that’s still a shockingly high amount of people okay 77% so we’re typing nearly four to five people have not created their own product here do you have a mailing list again shockingly high 72 percent blonde now I know for a fact you know the money’s in the list you’ve bent all this time and time and time again that you need to be building a mailing list so there’s every chance you’re one of these 72% here who was not doing it and my question you would be why if you know that you need to be building a mailing list and you know you should be creating your own product or services why are you not doing it yeah I don’t know I don’t know the answer to that question well I do know the answer which we’ll talk about in a moment we need to dig deeper okay look at this okay so people have been building an online working on building an online business for a long time don’t have a mailing list don’t have their own product here been spending a lot of time and money trying to become successful don’t have a mailing list don’t have their own product yeah no I’m going to try and drill this into your head on this workshop that if you want to be truly successful online you have to be doing this you have to be building a mailing list and you have to be creating your own product or services because usually that’s where the merely miss comes from lease it doesn’t matter Mike yes okay I’ll show you how that works in a moment but before we go there let’s talk about the affiliate money okay and why your filly at marketing is not what you think it is there’s every chance but when you’re starting out someone somewhere will say to you become an affiliate let me just call on just want to make sure I’m on yeah and so there’s every chance that you’ll be told do affiliate marketing because you don’t have to worry about customer support you don’t have to worry about product delivery you don’t have to worry about career in anything all you have to do is drive the traffic and collect the Commission sounds absolutely fantastic in theory but when you’re just starting out that is not the way to go and I’m going to show you why okay sure let’s imagine this is you here the affiliate what people are telling you to do this is me the product vendor the product and the product create or whatever you want to call me and this is one of my products simple traffic solutions okay very very simple you send me some traffic any sales you make I’d give you a commission yeah simple problem is okay only you can capitalize on the truck at you drive okay basically you have to put the work in to drive the traffic to meet the seals to get the Commission does that make sense where where as I don’t have to do anything cuz you’re the one doing the work I pay the Commission I I don’t have to do anything also though you’re competing with all of these are the affiliates okay who would drive in traffic for me okay hundreds sometimes thousands of affiliates driving traffic no this guy here you might be an expert in señor so he knows ever send me trouble to West your and you know through Google and things like that this guy might be an expert at Facebook marketing who sent me traffic to a Facebook another guy might be an expert blogger the other semi traffic through a word prayer through their blog and you know I don’t have to learn any of that yeah I’ve got all of these affiliates including new sending me traffic and I don’t have to lift a finger so let me ask you a question what side would you rather be on would you rather be the affiliate right along with all you other affiliates to get traffic to me exceeds or would you rather be the product corner the product creator who just has to sit back and watch a traffic come in it’s not you know it’s a no-brainer question of all she’d rather be the vendor you’d rather be the guy who has the product to seal now just just so you know though when you do this and you become successful at this you then become a successful affiliate because you build that all-important customer list okay then you can being an affiliate on this side as well as a vendor on this side yeah I make the bulk of my income from selling my own products and services but I also make a probably a 40 percent of my income comes from affiliate marketing because he’s building customer lists from all the products they sell yeah now the proven formula okay to generate major success online is from selling your own products and services iter I’m telling you now you won’t find one successful internet martyr who isn’t doing this okay doesn’t matter what they’re doing if you might you might say oh well John I know I know this guy who is a successful affiliate he’s making millions of dollars a year from Facebook I bet he’s got a program legs teaching it as well okay and and until you get this until you get this until you start doing this you will struggle online I promise you work here the dear you realize this the day you get this and the day start implementing this the day you start to work on creating your own product or services is the deer you start to become successful I promise you okay you know remember we’re going to break this down as well I’m not going I’m you know I’m going to show you how exactly how to do this advanced you know if you’re thinking right now join you telling me about this right I wouldn’t know where to start well the first thing I want to mention is product creation is not as hard as you think okay 10 years ago it was a lot harder than what it is now you know we had to use things like front page Express I don’t have anyone can remember that and to create here ttml pages you know we have it we got FTP upload our sites where to create databases and you know membership sites we took took probably about three hours to set up and don’t even get me started on putting videos online and things like that but – dear we’ve got pH Builders we’ve got membership site builders we’ve got scripts I can literally do do all of this in a few please yeah most of the time we have to just install WordPress I’d appear to build out and we can literally write a sales pitch from a template in in about three or four hours yeah 10 years ago yes it would have been a lot harder so you can’t come to me and say John I can’t do this because there’s tools out there to me it’s awful easy and and jeebies which is predominantly the platform I’m talking about on this workshop make it so easy to set up an affiliate program to add your buy buttons to basically put all your fun us together its source or easy yeah literally you can go from not knowing anything to knowing how to do all of this in a couple of years okay you know this these days this is true you don’t even need a hosting account to launch a product you could literally sell a similar PDF that reveals a piece of information you don’t even need a hosting account now I’m not advising you do that I advise you do get a horsten account but the point I’m trying to make you is you can do it without one so you can do it without one that just goes to show how easy it can be okay now here’s why we need to be selling digital products look here you know the the current position wearing where anyone literally anyone can build an online business it’s it’s unbelievable okay and the first thing I want to talk about is you can do this on a shoestring budget yeah if you wanted to set up a brick and mortar business if you want that you know if you wanted to set up let’s say for example a restaurant or a coffee shop or a plumbing business you can’t just do that from nothing okay you need an investment you’re probably going to need an office and you’re gonna you wanna have to invest a lot of money on equipment and get the business set up etc etc um not not to see as well as other stuff you want to have to learn yeah and you’re gonna have to go on you know if you want to become a plumber for example you’re gonna have to go through some sort of apprenticeship or training for years and years and years to put yourself in a position just to set up your own business you can literally set up an it in a business to deer for free yeah all you need is an internet connection which you’ve got and a computer which you’ve got so you’ve got the chills you quiet no you just need a little bit more knowledge okay I mean what business out there is there any businesses out there where we can do this for free where we can create something and it doesn’t cost us anything not a penny you know when you think about that for a moment it’s truly truly staggering the position that we can be in to set our business or you’ve also got on a limited supply of stock okay we’re selling ones and zeros fresh air digital files they’re in the cloud whatever you want to call it and you know you don’t you don’t have a limit on your stock now when I first started a Navy I was actually trying to sell more by the Bourne accessories cell phone accessories and the back of our house was full I’m literally taught in full of boxes full of horn cases and things like that it didn’t sell you know my plan was to buy in bulk and sell individually it didn’t work and I literally had a house full of junk really that didn’t I had a literally throw it away even if that’s successful you still need a warehouse or somewhere to keep goods and that’s going to become a problem again we’re selling ones and zeros we create something once we can sell it millions of times if we want because it’s easily duplicated it’s a digital file on your computer or online okay so we’ve got an unlimited supply stock there is no limit to how many copies of whatever we create we can sell here and that again is a very very very big advantage we’ve also got an automated 24/7 business I can literally be in bed asleep and make money okay I can be sipping cocktails on the beach and I can mint money I could be a partying with friends and I can make money they may be spending time with the grandchildren and might be making money it ruins on it’s on like clockwork you can buy a product from me I can’t it the payment and delivery will be made automatically again it’s very very easy to set up in this in this DNA joke here 10 years ago it was a bit harder you could still oughta me at it but it was harder to settle put now it’s soy sauce or easy JB’s oomiak delivering products just just a piece of kit ok how many businesses can do that or how many businesses can run on their own and do that I mean you could automate more more stairs standalone businesses we’d have to employ staff to do that you’d have got someone running running the shorter speed and you can do this on your own and you can honor me it’s 24/7 you’ve also got a worldwide audience ok if you’ve got a local plumbing business you’re not gonna you know if you’re in the UK you don’t want to sell to someone in America or Singapore Australia you know you’re not gonna sell your services to someone like that and even if you were to sell your services or something I think if you were selling parts or anything that imagine the cost of shipping something worldwide we’re selling the digital file again so we can sell to anyone at any time anywhere in the world yeah think about that for a moment you can be you can set this up for next to nothing your care no limit to how much you can sell you can be lying in bed asleep and you can sell to someone on the other side of the world they can pair you instantly in the money the money can be sitting in your bank or your PayPal account back when you were able it’s it’s absolutely unbelievable and finally you can work from anywhere in the world okay if you’ve got a lot of coffee shop where where do you have to work your local coffee shop you’ve got a lot of plumbing business you have to work on your office or your storage house warehouse or something like that we can be anywhere okay if the moon had it in a connection and oxygen we could run our business from the moon all you need is your laptop in the Internet and that is it you could be troubling the world you’ll be going on a six-week vacation you can be doing anything you want and you can ruin this business this type of business again you know forget the oil rush forget the gold rush all over adding your brushes have been in the past where you know why there’s been a stampede of people taking action this is the biggest thing that’s ever happened online you know in the history of the universe as far as I’m concerned okay everyone has the opportunity to build an online business everyone on this planet okay there’s no matter where you’re from there’s a matter color religion and disabilities anything that does not matter it does not matter here anyone can do this so there’s anything you know if you ever think this you ever this dealt way you think well I don’t know if I can do this you know yes you can okay and I’m going to show you how now this is sort of my key to success here I create an offer I drive traffic of the offer I’m gonna I’m gonna break this down remember up here I build a list from it and I gotten me at the process and then I repeat this process over and over and over again not something I do once you know I mean don’t get me wrong you could do this once hit a home run and and make hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars if you do it right but more so that now am I making tens of thousands of dollars from this some and the hundreds of thousands just depending on the product which again I’ll show you later but the key here is to learn this process because once you’ve learned this process you can do this literally on demand you can have a product idea on Monday morning you could be launching him before the end of the week okay so I’m going to break it down further for you here hey so to create an offer here first of all we have to find a hungry market I love our pizza we have to find a hungry market now what that means is we need to find where people are going to spend money and be a city we need caught with the topic ok now I’ve seen people who teach this in the past that they’ll teach and keyword research they’ll see you need to go to Google you need to make sure your search terms getting searched for for example twenty five thousand times a month and then if that’s happening then you can pursue that niche well I think that’s crazy because just because someone’s searching for something doesn’t mean that spending money yeah and and you know you probably know yourself when you’ve got to Google to search for something it’s very rare you’re spend money yes sometimes you will but most of the time you’ll just be searching for some information I’d much rather Gore where I know people are selling spending money on digital information products and that will be marketplaces okay listen this is the GM easier marketplace if you go to affiliates and then find products in govt zoo you can literally see the best products for that dear yeah at the time I took this screenshot this was the top ten you can see we’ve got a review with it so that’s a review and looks like a review plug-in and really all seems to be always bigger as well but we can literally spend a little bit of time with look at the top sellers for ddr4 yesterday and we can see what’s selling now obviously we can dig deep I will not just want to look have a quick look put them let’s just take blogging is an example okay let’s just see how we want to do what do they get into blogging and let’s see we want we want the day we wanted to find out if it’s profitable so we’ve got the govt zoom okay we type in the word blog we can see 34,000 no sorry 3422 products I’ve got the keyword blogging then and you can see some of them have small thousands and thousands of copies so that’s telling me that blogging is popular I mean we already know blogging is popular but this is this is confirming it okay we can also go to places like the Clickbank marketplace which is much the CM and if you go to clickbank calm and then you just click marketplace or peer that will that will they take it to them a place where you can set do searches again so again I search with the word blog 74 pages okay and clickbank’s a little bit different in house it has a gravity system and basically if you see a lot of product of the gravity of 10 or more relates your keyword it’s making money okay it’s as simple as that it really is a simple that don’t over complicate this process you don’t have to find keywords that’s getting searched for except these are where people are buying digital products online digital products that we want to sell okay and here’s an example here of someone selling a blogging product um never never bought this product just had a quick look with earless blogger this guy’s making hundreds of thousands of dollars from this product case only for seventy seven dollars then literally he’s he’s a joinha how the PS admit an excellent blog okay so we know what’s profitable we know people want to learn it well we can dig a little bit deeper look here and this is the warrior porn now if you’ve never heard of the warrior forum it’s basically the biggest internet marketing forum online okay warrior forum calm and you can see we search for the word blogging in this case there’s bring 3733 results now when you go to forums to do research you’re looking for people having problems and you’re looking for the solutions usually you’ll find if someone has a problem in a forum someone else will provide the solution and so for example someone’s asking for help new bloggers now at the moment this morning time there’s only 16 replies reduce if you sign up for that thread and for replies you’ve got you want to find all the time you want to get lots and lots of responses there’s someone giving blogging tips top five blogging tips what are those top five blogging tips you could go in there and that could be the start of your of your product okay someone’s asking help to get quality block button links and someone’s actually documented 300 years of blogging do you think if you spent a little bit of time reading this one-page these threads do you think you want to learn anything about blogging course you are and this is where research comes in now if you spend about three or four days doing nothing but research I mean yeah that was a deer so you know if you spend maybe thirty I was doing nothing but research of a certain topic you’re going to know more about that topic than 99% of people online yeah so you can literally learn all you need to know about blogging might spend in a couple of years in here yeah so that’s what we need to do we need to do with tone of research now obviously and when you identify the niche you you identify an area way more people are spending money you know there’s an interest in it you’re not people having problems then you need to do your research okay now the first place you can go is fallens okay like I said the warrior forum and I want to spin this on a title it became one of yous dog training is an example okay so let’s just see you we’re going out you wanna come up with some sort of dog training guide you were looking dog training forms you just googled dog training forum you’ve been looking for dog training blocks here just google it search again Marketplace’s gb0 clickbank etc what products are getting sold on that topic and or the market remark there’s products you definitely definitely want to be buying or the Martinus products to find out what they’re teaching and how they’re delivering their material okay now I’m not saying you’re having you copying anyone okay you do not copy anyone but it’s okay look at another marketers product for research purposes okay and also a source of media you know peer Facebook groups this book pages and just generally source on media places like Twitter and things I have it you spend time research in these areas your feud is you’re going to get a ton of information relate to something you want to teach okay now I know you’re thinking John this sounds a bit I don’t know if I can do this you know it sounds a little bit like maybe out with my out of my league stick with me okay I’m going to show you how to Britt it’s down so basically we’re going to create a product to sell online we’re going to feed the hunger okay now best we’re gonna do this the best way to start putting a product together is to start mind mapping okay now mind mapping is literally just gathering information yeah you can use a pen and paper if you want to I actually still to this dear but every time I create a new product I buy a new note pad and that no pilot has got nothing in it apart from stuff related to creating my product but my mapping when I describe in my mind it literally changed my life yeah because it hurts you generate ideas you know these these are these are phrases is free software you can use here government with the words I prefer I thought he HD for the iPod because when I’m when I um my mummy night and literally just leave the iPod next to me I’m you know sitting on the sofa watching TV might have an idea and I put it into my my mum yeah well this is just an idea this is like sort of an example of how you will put your mind you know put your force together this year so module one for me if I was going to teach blogging I won’t introduce people to blogging okay I want to tell people why they should be blogging and so I would probably talk about wipes or popular so how do I find out that information I might find the amount of blogs online I’m pretty sure there’ll be millions maybe billions of WordPress blogs online I’ll make sure the top blog owners are sure what they’re earning I probably get that information from Google and I’m going to talk about what your new blog is and what it will bring and why you should be blogging and this is true here you should be blogging by the way it’s a central hook for what you do online and it helps you create an online presence build Authority and you can promote your other products and services yeah that’s the reason I blog okay now that’s just the sort of introduction mantra module look here but let’s just check this a little bit further okay so my first module might be about 2m you know there might be about introduction to blogging but then we want to move in to say nope your blog how do we do this well first of all you need to buy a domain name and you got a whoreson accounts need to install WordPress you need add a theme you know this is stuff you will teach in video training okay then we will maybe move on to module 3 you know how you put the menus together your pH is etc and sorry your module two we talked about the plugins you would add again this takes nothing to research okay all of these will be separate training videos or if you didn’t want to do videos you could literally write a PDF and have screenshots well literally there’s an outline of a product right there okay the next module we have a write nearly okay so you know we’re trying both out of course us with content content do your research how to structure a pause heard about images all these things of people would want would want to know okay how you’ll get engagement hurt when coach comments and sharing things like that can you see how I’ve just literally spent about half an hour putting these and this mime up together okay and I’m not even joking about half an hour and I’ve literally got the outline of a product there okay and the next module probably the biggest one getting trapped yeah and again all of these other things you could teach and they wouldn’t take much to learn so this can be applied to any topic okay any doesn’t matter what it is we at loss knitting doesn’t matter you you you do your research you start mind mapping and believe me when you start my mapping that ideas just flow because your branch o as you branch out you know for example when I when I thought of the word of mouth good comment will always be shared it’s just simple it’s just simple you know simple facts and when you’re using video what you’re going to use I’m gonna use YouTube YouTube fast and easy your own videos commands Authority should let more things like that okay and this comes from doing your research does this make sense guys just sort of is this helping you to get those ideas does this make sense okay though there’s been a lot of comments coming in but yes perfect sense and like bald Mormons Wow okay it’s all true literally guys I mean the general the general chatter is that you’re getting this okay which is good this is what I want we’ve got a long you know we’ve got more a share here but basically the idea is to find a profitable niche to doodle do some research start my mapping a compile your product yeah then we put it together okay now there’s different formats there’s different types of products we can create and the first one would be ebooks and reports okay so an e-book or a report is literally a PDF a PDF document look here now most of the time I’m going to bring these all up at once okay and what at the time a report would reveal a similar matter yeah and so like I said early review if you learning where to drive traffic from YouTube or Facebook and you might want to share that you know you could write a report 10 to 15 pages showing people how you do that and you could sell it for $20 and people will buy it I’ve seen so many people sell similar reports over the years just taking one specific thing so you can go over at a D and you can master one specific thing and you can write a report delivering the information it’s as simple as that you basically sharing your knowledge okay now if you want to go a date back you might want to write an e-book which is goes into more detail you might create something step-by-step or you might just reveal a lot more info basically and for me a report is just it’s just revealing something new there might not be chapters or anything that an e-book might go into it in a lot more detail you might have chapters and screenshots and a lot of things there okay but PDFs play a huge huge part in any products you create and call on my ways quarter and the plea a huge part in part in any products you create okay and I think I’ll reveal as we go further on okay audio and basically all your can help you sell more of your product okay and the first thing you can do is have your ebook read okay so if you’ve wrote an e-book or a report have it read and you’re instantly and attracting a wider audience for example I like to read yeah my son Alex likes to listen he’s a member of audible he’s always listen to audiobooks if we were buying your product I guarantee he’d want to listen to it and I guarantee I wanted to read it okay so by doing this you’re literally um opening up your product to a bigger audience okay and or you could in it another way to get audio was to interview an expert yeah and by the way just to have your ebook read you can do it yourself you can literally just record your voice get someone in the family and maybe do it or you can outsource it and literally and you know a 10,000 word a bird wouldn’t cost you more than a few hundred dollars yeah to get done and anyway by the way interviewing an expert and you know if you if you wanted to create a blogging guide for example if I was one of creating the ultimate blogging guide I would find a blogging expert to interview and that blogging expert in my opinion will be a guy called Dan Sumner okay he’s got a product called the bloggers roadmap and you feel free look look the bloggers roadmap calm and where he literally reveals everything he’s learned all of the years about blogging so I know if I interviewed Dan I’d have some valuable material that I can use now I would probably come up with about 10 to 15 questions and plant and make it last about an hour now you might find that it’s hard to find someone to do an interview with or it’s very very hard to get someone to do it for free you might be surprised all that the martyrs will let you interview them for free because they know they’re going to get exported but if you find in that it’s hard see they do any consulting they’re consulting okay a lot of marketers will do consulting for maybe 297 497 maybe 997 per hour and while it sounds like a lot of money if they agree let you interview them and use a recording that could be the best one you’ve ever spent yes right you could literally find an expert here offer do you know offer us for an hour of their time maybe PFE $500 and if there’s long as he a great let you use a material the questions at the ant you know you must stand the questions the answers they give you can be your product you can literally tee at the answers they give you and create a product based around that ok so that’s another way you can do that as well and for me there were a lot of the time all yours complimenting your kheer usually I’ll have an e-book read or I try and secure an interview with someone when I want to create something and that would usually not always usually complement the product isn’t as an additional bonus if you imagine if I’m if I’m saying a blogging guide and I’ve got an interview with a top blogger as a bonus it looks very very very attractive indeed oh yeah and what of course video is where you know where it’s at ok video has exploded online in the last few years you know there’s tons and tons of video products out there again I must stress you know getting a video online a few years ago wasn’t was wasn’t impossible but it was very very hard and also very very expensive for anyone who’s who had a hosting account 10 years ago streaming video cost a fortune and now we can put stuff on YouTube for free and just make it private you know you can do that so again you’ve got no excuse for not doing this ok now the the best form of my opinion the most popular form of video is over the shoulder training and that literally means you know you’re on your computer the magic someone’s still behind you watching what you’re doing in your explaining what you’re doing ok and or step-by-step training and where you know you’re revealing something step-by-step so let’s just say for example if I was going to teach people how to install WordPress and instead of a blog I might have a 10 step process where I’m showing people how to install the WordPress script how about a theme how about graphics how do I not inform and I’d sure step by step yeah literally 10 steps to creating a successful WordPress blog something like that and you can also record presentations you know this is a keynote presentation I’m actually showing you right now I’m actually you know I’ll be recording this presentation and using it maybe in the future ok so you know if you have anything where you want to teach what I would call the theory training look here you might you might want to teach something with the presentation for theory and then you make sure people are actually doing it and with similar traffic sir for example and I taught my all of the troubling methods I share have a theory section and a practical section so I might talk about using Facebook for drive traffic first of all out Eliot I’ll educate your why should be doing it okay and that seems to work very well as well but literally so you could you could maybe let’s go back to the interview you could take an interview from some with someone you could put up to some presentations based on the questions you want the answers you were given so you could you could educate people about blogging and then I could put the step-by-step training together what shorts people how to do it all from an interview yeah I’m just throwing ideas that you hear there’s lots of different ways you can do this obviously you’ll probably do your research put your mind maps together and core modules okay we’ve also got software and software again is huge yeah no this is for successful software products I’ve launched and I literally don’t know anything about launch creating software I use a program yeah you can outsource this for very very little indeed you sometimes have an idea of some software and get someone to build it out for a few hundred dollars and a good place to go is called Canyon dotnet here I’ll show you the page in a moment that’s basically a page where and a site where you can get scripts PLR scripts and and things like that and plugins and you’ve been literally more than no one now WordPress plugins are huge yeah if you can come up with a similar idea for a plug-in you know maybe maybe you’ve been online and you’ve seen someone doing something and you’ve thought that’s not very good I could do better than that well you know if you’ve got the idea go and find out if someone can do it for you and you can literally go develop for a few hundred dollars again it can be outsourced yeah I I don’t know the first thing I’m a putting something together like that I get other people to do that for me and it’s absolutely fantastic for brandy and if you’ve got your name on a software box or if you’re selling software it gets you recognized okay and like I said there if you’ve got a court client net I do believe it redirects to a different site now but if you look here we’ve got you know we’ve got different WordPress scripts PHP scripts and they’ve got different rights I mean you know you obviously have to you have to do some research and find out what you’re allowed to do but sometimes you can buy something you know there’s an affiliate system their new premier beam it Larry something that an affiliate script you know you might want to find em some sort of traffic script and find out how it works and can you make it better can you go to a program and say right I want you to run this with my name want you to I want you to add these graphics I want you to make it do this this and this and literally you’ve got a product of your own and all you need the idea I mean for example this is one of my products WP speedy links this was literally one page of cord okay now what this software does it takes a link it takes a word on your blog and it mix it into a link okay let me just quote the next page so for example and if I use the word ear whether on my blog let’s say I being writing about near Weber over the last 10 years yeah and I’ve mentioned the word ear over three hundred times but I haven’t made an affiliate link this would do that yeah it will tear the word do ever and make it a clickable link that goes anywhere I want and then I can literally make it an affiliate link so that’s how that works beautifully beautifully simple and it was literally one page of core that I had had developed and had the graphics created and give it the knee and make Sara yeah and it’s literally a simple plug-in you installed you add the the keyword and the link they take administer which doubles beautifully simple and it’s a it release or thousands of copies yet was just one little idea right hard because I remember I want to do where me at the word however on my blog and affiliate link because I signed up for that affiliate program I thought well wow that’s gonna two weeks right ideas to go and look for the were do ever and you’re gonna link I thought one of this is something out there that can do that couldn’t find anything so basically came up with it okay similar stuff sometimes you’ll have an idea for something and you let me think will would other people benefit from this idea and if they will get it developed oh yeah well by far multi-format is a weird ago okay by multi-format I mean as many different and formats as possible you know PDF or your video and you know things like that it’s by far the best form of Trin okay and the main reason is it’s going to have a higher perceived value if you if you’ve got someone selling an e-book and you’ve got someone selling mini book on the same topic and they’ve got training videos I’ve got an interview with the next bird I’ve got some all your and I’ve even got a plug-in to go with it you know who’s going to what’s going to be the more valuable okay when I could literally walk here create my blogging guide okay I have a theory training that explains why you should be blogging what you need to be doing then a practical training like short people have to put the blog together how to ID the plugins etc and how to drive traffic and things like that I could then have an interview with my good friend and some now who’s gonna give all awesome tips about blogging that people can use and see it and get better results and then I could maybe have a plug in that house and share that content would that be a product people will be interested in buying of course it would okay hopefully it’s all falling a place now have how literally you can have an idea and put and put it together note I could maybe even just hit the plug-in and sell the plug-in okay I could maybe just hit the training in sell the training I could build out my fall phone but the point I’m trying to make here is you can just literally have an idea do some research put the product together and you’ve got something more people will want appear for okay you basically as well you’re keeping to a wider audience when you’ve got more material okay again like I said earlier my son Alex prefers to listen I prefer to reading okay no again let’s just compile a product this is this is maybe the whole form of layout okay what could have an e-book which I was David training Y blog etc video training which covers everything and additional offers which could be our former maybe would have a monthly monthly membership which could be additional training accept and say it all there let me move to the next one additional office could be a done-for-you service which could be high ticket maybe you could install WordPress in this instance and you could have a monthly membership what offers additional training maybe showing people how to ride how to encourage engagement getting traffic etc and more interviews are always popular and dump your content plugin decks ever again this is just using blogging as an example what you could do this with just about any niche additional content will be all your plugins traffic plug-in and if you blog and expert XOXO there that is the outline of a highly successful product there this could probably mean at least six figures of I if I took everything I talked about and put it together there’s probably gonna be a six-figure launch no problem at all okay now I’m not saying you’re going to be able to do this and have a six-figure launch but you could do this and maybe have a five figure launch no problem at all okay and if anyone’s singing they can’t do it that’s what separated people who are going to be successful after attending this workshop and people who were not the people that were thinking wow John you’re opening my eyes I’m going to give this a war that the people who wanna hear this work and become successful yeah now what I want you to understand is every time you do this you grow your business okay I’m not gonna lie to you the first time you do this you’re going to have problems you’re going to hit roadblocks it’s gonna hit hurdles to get over well that’s the whole point of learning this okay why go and give someone 10 20 grand when you can learn this process and then you’ve got the edgy you’ve educated yourself to then go and do it again and again because it becomes easier each time you do it each time you do this the process becomes easier and each new product you create makes you more money and build your list that’s the big thing here oh yeah you literally every time you do this for example you create a first product look here and you launch it in it’s out there it’s making money so what that would be automatically making your money then you bring your next product out product one still making you money you launch product number two okay when you’re launch product on the three products number two and want to still making your money okay I’m literally still making money from some products they create about in 2005 2006 still making money okay so you know think about that the morning once you’ve got seventy eight nine ten products behind you you’re literally that’s the point where you should be full-time online literally when you get at that point yeah now in case you don’t have an idea I want to give you one right now okay I asked what do you feel you need the most help with online yeah this was one of my Serbia questions the top answer was traffic generation okay so let me ask you a question could you call we’re right now and could you research one traffic method just one we’re not telling you to learn our legitimate method methods over there I’m asking your people just learn one traffic method that can get you 100 hits video might tear you a few weeks but if you focused on nothing bought this one traffic method let’s just see if it’s up in YouTube Marty you focus or nothing but you using YouTube to drive traffic every single gear for two to three weeks do you think you want to get a hundred hits with you after three weeks do you think you ought to be in that position no the answer you should be giving me is yes and the answer I’m getting is yes most people I see about 90% of seeing yes and some people are not sure couple oh I don’t know if I can do it well limit leave right right guys endure limit ultimately I’m getting yeses which is what I want here so let me ask you another question if after three weeks you you are getting 100 hits but here do you think people would want to learn how you did that you know the answer of course you would you could compile a short report detailing what you did sell it for $10 yeah you could probably put that on the warrior forum as a warrior special offer instead a thousand copies no problem if you do it right that’ll make your 10 grand and put a thousand buyers on your list you could you could come up with some more ideas and come up with maybe a funnel and put it on jvzoo and launch it and maybe sell three or four thousand copies if you do it right even if you do it wrong you might mean myself a hundred copies and make a grand and that’s doing it wrong but you’re still gonna have a hundred buyers on your list you can keep marketing – okay remember you can just have an idea have an idea implement the idea get results and then sell the information it really is as simple as that okay and I’m actually gonna show you how to get traffic this in case you’re thinking well I don’t know if I can do this I’m gonna show you okay because obviously I want to show you how to get traffic to your product and the big one is writing content on your blog here I’m gonna you know keep trying about blogging because a lot of people don’t realize how big and your blog is I mean if you google my name right now you’re gonna find my blog you’re gonna find my blog in the probably the first two or three results you might find some other guy called John Thornhill is a em there’s a wrestler called John Thornhill is that there’s a journalist con John Thornhill in the UK and there’s me those are the three John Thornhill was I tend to find I should be up there and the first sight you see of mine should be my blog the reason is I’ve been you know your blog becomes a central hub for everything you do online yeah now in this example here I wrote a blog post Carl their 100 morning in it marketing Huck’s an incident Li you now want an or what number 28 and 55 are gone you that title they’re sort of you’ve walked curiosity so people click through it to find out what these two numbers are what is it this year pilot China me okay guides and this is an old screenshot okay it’s probably weird be on this now but am 270 of people have shared this with their friends on Facebook that means 270 of people have clicked that link and then clicked it click share on Facebook when it’s gone it’s share with their friends some of their friends and click share some of their friends and click share some of the people who come to my blog then click other links on my blog and share other post some people opt in to be on my mailing list some people click through and buy different products the point is when someone clicks share it’s generating traffic for nothing okay no 46 people shared it on twitter and you can generally forget things you’re not going to do unless you’re an expert at Google+ or Pinterest it might be harder but the point I’m trying to make here is just by having a simple sharing plug-in and these are very very easy to get on WordPress for free your content can go viral yeah so writing content on your blog original good content that people will enjoy reading is the number one where they get traffic from your blog okay and and that is an example of the shared cost okay that’s how it would look like on fierce Bowen maybe I’d write something about it a little a little now what I also do let me just go back one and what I also do every every few weeks I’ll just click that button myself and share to my own Facebook audience and then that starts a process all over again yeah so literally you can you could probably and you know spend I don’t know two minutes a dear sharing a random post from your blog once you’ve got enough content there okay and poor on other people’s blogs this is basically leaving comments yeah leaving comments and sometimes should be allowed to buckling and if you’re not this this would for example in this one for this comment from Monday and it linked back to her blog so gets her a button which if you’re in the rest of your means it gives you an extra point with Google and for basically as well a lot of the time you’ll be allowed to put a link here as well so and you know the discussion could be about affiliate marketing or coop you know and you might have an affiliate marketing report and then you could have that will be related okay well just getting involved on other people’s blogs can get you a ton of traffic following discussions right now this is an old screenshot in the North topic but it’s very very targeted he what I want to talk about okay basically but in the dear people were trying to a banning Pierre part from the warrior forum because people were losing their Pierre pal accounts the way of the warrior forum used to be set up I used to rotate payments and so the affiliate would get one payment and the vendor would get into that and people didn’t like that and they were shooting we’re shooting pfl accounts down it’s changed now it’s not like that anymore but at the time I was using Clickbank for my warrior special office because it was a lot of CFO and you don’t get shut down by Clickbank because they actually look out and approve your product so there’s no risk point I’m trying to make here is am in this in this particular thread pic we’re talking but about banning P about so I came and I said look I use clip on for most of my worries special offers and put over $100,000 in sales you’re worried special offers through this forum using Clickbank it can be done yeah and and that’s the me and then me and sort of thing I want to get across now look at my signature 10 reasons why Clickbank is a perfect pyramid processor for your warrior special offers do you think anyone reading that there’s going to be interested in clicking that link there of course okay now if you do this right when you when you do forum marketing right and you and you target the right type of threads and you and you do it correctly you can literally drive hundreds and hundreds of clicks per dear targeted clicks with your offers okay yeah there’s people in the warrior forum making a full time income by just doing this that’s all you do you don’t do anything else you don’t recruit affiliate so don’t do other things all you do is you have products and services the offer and they’ll go and find the threads related to what topic they’re they’re educating people in and just mere costs it’s as simple as that you get the reputation of being helpful people want to learn more from you in nutshell that’s how you do for a model yeah but there’s something else I want to sort of talk about and anyone else who thinks forums are a bit of a bit of a waste of time I don’t share something with you yeah basically this was my clickbank rev from but in 2014 Spencer Matthews who was called great guy and he he was beating my guru guy and clicked on because I said I was doing real really well unclick binder have what we call a wreck so instead of going to support you go directly to the your representative and got one with click clickbank steel and got one with pierre-pierre pub and the thing is he came to me and said John yesterday you were top three for the deer yeah I’m on the whole of Clickbank now Clickbank generally does a million dollars at the end sales and on this all I’m not an all report for the the bridge two billion in revenue okay now the fact I was top three in top five and Trudy is running sure how well my launch was going and on all you’re thinking what’s it got to do with forum worrying okay well what am i students T King okay you put a cost on the warrior forum because basic this was one of my coaching programs and he said I’m I’m John students I am doing his program I’ve been doing really really well if you want that you want you know if you’ve got any questions let me know and I’m going to offer a bonus so basically put this threat on the warrior forum and he did fifteen thousand dollars in commissions and came sixth in the competition this is thirty thousand dollars in sales from a fallen pause yeah literally from a foreign port so if you think forums can be a waste of time or you’re not sure things like this can change your mind again go in the warrior forum spend a day or two browsing in the warrior forum and you’ll see the CM names come up again and again and again you’re just seeing him watch what they’re doing and I guarantee most of them using the forum to drive traffic go to office I guarantee it also we’ve got social media again that’s the example of the blog post I talked about earlier but you’ve also got in facebook groups you can create a group in a matter of seconds and if you create a group on a particular topic and it’s obviously going to you’re going to command authority in that area and I also use groups as well to provide support yes any and if you’ve got a product and it sells thousands of copies you’ll create a group for that product people can help each other and it’s better for both parties it’s better for you and better for them because he can get help in minutes from someone else and an ass or a means are not submitting tickets and taking up your time it’s a wonderful we have to do things plus obviously when you do have a group in a particular area you can go in and make announcements and author of a product or service base book pages as well these are all screenshots by the way of being you know I’ve got much much more than 2,600 people on this page now but if I’m being honest um I don’t do a lot with my pages yeah I want to be honest with you guys and you might find creating appear just fantastic I personally find my my Mian timeline yeah I hit my friends maximum about three years ago or two or three years ago and this is now probably about double that so you know when someone when you hit your limit people that automatically follow you when they have send a friend request and so I I can now put a course on Facebook and literally reach 10,000 people not easily yeah case you wonder what that picture is I was on vacation and I love Dom easy so I thought I’d take a selfie with a donkey ready anyway and this is an example of a post I’m eared you know when I talked at the start about passing 1 million on govt zoo um I was just tired about maybe sharing that information and look at how many people like this this was literally about an hour later people were sharing it people were liking it I had a hundreds of comments and literally that was just from one post so you could provide valuable information and correct you know deliver good stuff for your followers people will just love it ok no I’m not here to tell you how you should be doing things on Facebook I’m just telling you what works for them for me not just doing stuff on my timeline works you might want to do it different and you can set up different audiences in facebook as well just in case you’re thinking well John you know I don’t want aunty mirzee to see what I’m doing with my online business I do or maybe my boss might be watching something like you can set up custom audiences or the people who were interested in what you have to see every linear modeling you make an audience for them yeah I personally don’t I just put everything on my timeline or even my friends know what I do which is the way I do it you can also create a second to recap secondary account no it’s not and it’s not it’s against Facebook’s Terms so I’m telling you this sort of with a pinch of salt here but I’ve seen many many many marketers have two accounts one for modding on for personal yeah and and I don’t think anyone’s ever been shut down I’m not saying you know what I’m saying is it’s a gray area okay but that might be the way you want to go like I said for me personally I put it all on my timeline and well by far the most traffic wanna get is going to come from affiliates if you do this right basically like I’ve said at the start gob zoom it’s so so easy to put an affiliate program together and a trapjaw trapped affiliate and that’s why you must have an affiliate program yeah no matter what you create online you must have an affiliate program because you don’t want to be the only one driving the traffic you remember when I said earlier if you’re the affiliate you’re the only one driving the traffic well we don’t have an affiliate affiliate program you’re in that position we’re not gonna fill your program and let the experts who know every drive traffic drive the traffic to your offer let the people who know about se you will use their skills that the people who know about blogging use air skills let the people who know about using YouTube use a skills you don’t have to learn any of that your affiliates will know how to do it yeah and no I want to show you an example here of how powerful an affiliate program is this is the same launch I talked about earlier when Steve King qiyam 6 you’ll see I did he $80,000 in sales that was over a few months period ok nothing you know brilliant results the $80,000 in a few months but I want to show you this we tick the new affiliate box this is what I earned on my you want okay no there’s nothing there’s nearly 20 grand in sales I generated a boat look at the difference okay I merely eighty thousand dollars with affiliates only nineteen thousand on my own so my affiliates made sixty one thousand dollars in revenue that’s seventy six percent of this promotion came from affiliates so that doesn’t tell you how important it is I don’t know what will appear so you need to create a dedicated affiliate eh okay now on your page you want to tell people about your product what it can do and I’m obviously taught and here go give Tim of traffic illusions and how its enemies and seller for the affiliate Nordic it sells and you need to tell them all about the funnel and what you know what the product does how much they can earn X etc and you also want to give them the tools you need in this in this case and swiping else but you also want to give them blog posts and graphics things I got yes some some some affiliates will want to drive traffic from their blog so they might want graphics I head is our banners and things I had some people wanting a copy they can use yeah now most affiliates who know what they’re doing will not just copy and PS this what they will use it to write their own in yes okay now once you’ve done our this is where it gets difficult sometimes okay and once you’ve got your product together you might be thinking right I’ve done the hard work if I’m being honest this is where the hard work can start because you then need to go and get affiliates to promote your products now the biggest mistake you can make is just a con contract if it is my advice is to find affiliates in your area in your niche you won’t buy their products yeah or you can possibly ask them for a and a review copy with with so you can promote if you’ve got to a potential a vendor who’s in the same niche is you see is there any chance an get a review copy of your product because I want to promote it in like my audience some will give you it okay some will some won’t some won’t even respond but you know when you when you are offering to promote something that’s usually when you get someone’s attention now you don’t need to know how big your audience is you might you might be just starting out you might only have a few people on your list you might only have a small blog following they don’t know that if you see I want to send a I wanna promote to my audience that’s fine okay also you should always try and do something first here trying to something first because if you just asked someone to promote your product you won’t get a response and I want to tell you a very very quick story here that sort of proves this point I was doing it completely wrong but in the deer buck in 2005 I had a product and I taught people how to make money on ABS selling ebooks what I talked about earlier on and and I used to look up to a guy called Jim Cochrane I still do he’s absolutely amazing guy and me ramada but man he was a guy I aspire to be yeah he taught a beer he had a huge following he was highly highly successful online I probably sent about three or four emails to his desk asking if he could and you know check out my product if he wanted to promote never got a response I know nor the reason I didn’t get a response was because he obviously had support staff who were the gatekeepers and he probably said look I get too many govt requests please you know and just unless it’s something super special maybe I don’t want to know anywhere he didn’t respond so I basically found his product and promoted him he had a product called the silent sales machine hiding on a beer it was an e-book I basically bought it and promoted it and I saw about 50 60 copies over the course of a few weeks I sent an email up to my my my list and I also wrote a review on my blog and Josh and traffic excel and then I went back to Jim put another ticket in till I’m the guy who’s just made a few seals obviously see my ID on Clickbank and he’s realized that I’ve done well and I’ve got his attention so then I said look and I love your product I want to keep from all unit etc and we exchanged a few emails and I explained what I was doing on a BA and I said look Jim I’m I’m taking paper how to make and build a maybe a business from selling digital information I’ve got a product that contagious if you want to promote it to let me know we can set up a discount appeared know the product store for $97 I said he can operate there his subscriber 267 this was before Christmas in 2005 book you made the offer to him never heard really much after that yeah until New Year’s dear 2006 New Year’s dear 2006 Jim emails me and said John I’ve got nothing going on I want to promote your product like to do this can you set up the discount page now I’m home or because it’s new who yeah I’m on my computer you know oh my god it’s thought I’ve got to do it Jim’s asking you know I don’t want to blow this opportunity I literally set the peer job give him the link and Dan this is what happened look yeah I had it I had a little noise up my computing me of when I see oke means I win only when a CEO Kim in regular email that didn’t happen okay so anywhere and give Jim the the link few hours yet I heard about a minute or two later few minutes here there may be 30 seconds the other thing these are $67 seals look here ping literally for the next three or four years at least every two or three minutes I was hearing that noise and I’d me another $67 yeah Jim or where I think it was 72 to 96 hours generated thirty four and a half thousand dollars in commissions which means he dude nearly 70 grand in seals yeah I didn’t have any fallen in place when I think back I cringe because I didn’t have any other cells but I literally generated over 30,000 dollars in pure profit and now all I did was give someone a link to promote something now when you take this back and you go back to what the or the story I’m telling here it only happened because they did something for Jim first if I just kept asking Jim to promote my stuff it would never have happened oh yeah so a couple of things to learn from this obviously if you can get a super affiliate to promote your product they can change everything because after that more affiliates wanted to promote my stuff they saw Jim was promoting it you know I was getting emails from other ABA gurus I see any oh yeah connect how do I promote your product literally made well over six figures from that promo it was a few monthly at the June the 3rd 2006 I quit my job it was that week the first week of 2006 where I knew I wouldn’t be working in the car plant much longer okay so like I say the big thing you take from it is 1 million from a soup was really contingent everything but you won’t get anything unless you do something for them first so find out if it’s something you can do for them first or at least meet a connection first you know friend them on Facebook and go to an event where there might be at things like that because if you just a mere people out of the blue wasn’t that than what you’re still they guarantee the one hunt yeah so that was the deer like I said that was a deer mind my life did change on that deer literally the first week of 2006 was when I knew I wasn’t when we weren’t in the car plan which on there because they have to understand as well quitting your job isn’t something you just go up you know you I had a mortgage I two kids who we’ve hung at the time you know and and lots of responsibilities I can’t just walk away from a job so lucky but I should have went earlier but the point I’m trying to make is is is I knew after that year I wouldn’t be working there much longer yeah hopefully you’re getting something from that also you must be building a list of affiliates okay so when you when you set up your affiliate page add an opt-in form I just use something like get on the G of a list and more moisture bees were locked in do not force geo bees to opt in if you do they want and they will be land they won’t promote your product I’ve seen so many marketers forcing a force in the GOP to opt in to get their affiliate tools like they get their affiliate lean craziest thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen it happen a lot do not if you say other people doing that do not copy that method let them give them a chance to get a choice to get on the list another thing you can do is weld it and see maybe sign up for gob updates and sign up for competition update if you’re having a launch with the G of a competition you know things like that would do not for ch2 opening okay just want to show you some more you know I want to make sure you understand this is not something I’m me again okay yeah this is some of my products I mean you know this is one of my first products making the power seller challenge still sell stood here as the comments on a via and view Google only a few Google if you search a be ever you will see someone selling that on the CD this is one of my early products seven key elements and gob auction profits is not available anymore I’m just I’m trying to show you how but like you know because it the methods changed since Evie has changed some rules but and this nearly all these products are pop and that one is still for sale this one’s a little bit old now as well but the method still works that’s software still sell that may in a circle is I still sell a simple Traffic Solutions has changed but I still sell that as well partly trying to make here guys remember I said at the start create something once sell it beginning again now when I see a create something once that’s up the version before so I created create a 178 it this is up to version 3 I’ve created that once and updated twice and that’s been updated point I’m trying to make was is you literally can create something once and just just monitor it and it can you know saw seven or eight products s still standing too dear and some of these were created over 10 years ago and they are still make any money all the ones that are selling create something once said it over and over and over again now it’s some more of my products I don’t know people recognize any of these would someone a few of these are not not available anymore I could literally have a 5 or 10 pages full of product titles here and you know I’ve created hundreds of products to all the videos now there’s something I do want to to sort of remind you about here remember this question I asked earlier I mean when I said what do you need the most help with remem when I said and create traffic product get 100 hits per dear well obviously my subscribers were telling me that what they want that’s why I launched simple traffic solutions on the member at the 1st 2012 no unfortunately I didn’t get a screenshot from that the the the 2012 period I wish I did because we did about 300 grand uh I’ll talk and but what we did do in 2014 sorry 2013 we did a hundred and five thousand dollars seven hundred and five thousand seven dollars and 36 cents okay so all hundred grand in 2013 yeah now something I want you to understand here I did nothing to generate that money nothing the product had launched the product was you know and it was all set up it was getting delivered automatically how did I write a little bit of support but I had someone who took care about for me the finish which is promoting it it was selling so well for my affiliates they were promoting it every month so I was literally getting Ollie’s PHX from clickbank and I didn’t have to lift a finger okay no you can say it dropped in 2014 and you might be thinking what happened there John we moved it to govt zoo yeah I wondered if I looked at the product and move it over to gob zoom we saw them up a few thousand copies yeah and it became a top seller and basically it’s one of my best selling products ever I’m sure of this one product over seven and a half thousand copies of this product yeah seven and a half thousand people who bought this product and I updated it twice but I literally created one so the fundamentals of the courses 2cm I just dropped the edit some videos so create something once sell it for and over again that’s it guys that’s that’s the key to successful here now let me ask you do you want to get results like this these are some of my own Clickbank learnings and and this this is pure power this is Clickbank again yet and a half grand it Browns nearly 5 grand 4 grand 3 grand would you like to get results like that or what about this from jvzoo ok the million dollars has been passed on govt Dilawar okay let me show you let me show you some more proof these are some of my products on jvzoo this is the niche marketing kit yeah one hundred and five thousand dollars in sales 2254 people have ordered an average of 46 dollars per seal that’s just a front-end that doesn’t count the funnel simple Traffic Solutions in 2017 we did two and a half thousand seals and we did 34 grand just the front end instantly is on praw which is a software tool we will warren seal up when I did this screenshot one seal of doing six figures there is if done we’re beyond six figures now but installed over 5,000 copies of the product okay at an average of you a tingle is 75 to see that’s not counting the funnel that’s just the front end but these are our buyers as well getting added to my list here so 5,000 people have bought this all the photos I bought over 5000 buyers I can market to him from what other products and services yeah he’s some more examples okay you see these some of these are funnel seals we can see 26 28 14 and there’s some more 24 30 $63,000 that one 60-minute reseller and there some more okay so just showing you a shop this is sure it should be showing you sorry that people are prepared to buy digital products and services and above all people are willing to learn and then the prepared appear to them you know ultimately that’s what people want to do they want to learn how to better their lives and the want to learn how to where it might be drive traffic it might be build a list it might be the commit of successful bloggers in this case and there’s lots and lots of different we as you can you can literally sell digital information to people yeah and that’s a screenshot from earlier remember that’s typical dere’s on jvzoo and again I don’t really have to do much I have to deliver some product to provide a little bit of support which il sauce I have someone who does my support for me and you know that’s the first thing what just to sidetrack I’ll it latter first thing you should outsource once you start to become successful and just get someone else to do it in literally doing that you can just concentrate on the market again you can keep doing this but let me ask you how do you receive value – dear have you received value but they’re hoping that you’ve at least got some ideas from this webinar and from this workshop I mean the worst kiss in a hurry or I can’t even think of a worst-case scenario and a worst kisser know you might think you can’t do this will stick around someone I’m gonna I want to show you something here so I want to ask you something okay you got value from what I showed you too dear for free which is just the tip of the iceberg what what I could show you then I clearly wouldn’t do my job I didn’t extend the opportunity for you to take things to the next level I’m just looking at the comments and rukia okay best webinar ever Wow Wow amazing light bulb Mormont’s Wow look here right then so let me ask you how would you like help doing everything we’ve discussed one on one how would you like me to help you one on one doing everything we could on this workshop everything okay well Wow okay Wow um sure me it’s just basically every single person okay thank you let me let me show you what we’ve got okay guys let me show you what I’ve put together basically the thing is you don’t need a straw okay you don’t need a struggle um I know if you’re not you know – you’re at this point there’s every chance you’ve tried all sorts online and I know a lot of a lot of people of just water product after product after product remember what we said at the start we’re just get caught in that cycle well the truth is you’ve been lying all over the years yeah and I know this is gonna sound corny but you’re being tall making money online is easy when it’s not because you’ve been sore dream after dream promise after promise again it and know it sounds corny but you think about this for a moment when you keep buying these products and services are people are offering where they say it’s going to be easy they’re selling you the dream but the thing is it doesn’t work okay you’re getting the products or the promise of easy riches using clever seals cobble yeah no you need to understand there’s anything you’re going to take away from this workshop is you need to understand that it takes hard work and dedication to succeed like there’s no way around that okay but once you realize this success can come easy yeah once you get it once you realize that you’re gonna have to do some work that’s when it can come easy and until you get at that point you’re gonna keep struggling I promise you you’re gonna keep struggling you’re gonna keep looking for that easy button the golden goose whatever you want to call it shiny object syndrome and you won’t find it up here this is what you need to get this is probably one of the most important slides in the whole presentation because you have to get this you have to get this part here now of course having a mentor helps okay come on it’ll give you a step-by-step plan of action okay so let me tell you what you need to be going step by step so when a guide you in take you down the right path here someone to make yourself account very very important if you’re gonna make yourself accountable to someone and tell them they’re gonna get done it usually happens someone who advise and guide you every step of we’re and someone you can depend on you can turn to if you need help now the thing is I’ve done so many things wrong over the years I’ve learned the process and that’s why I can be your men and now I’m in a position where I can teach you everything I know Warren you can learn everything I know and I can assure you he’ll be esily to the real online business using the methods we’ve talked about it ya know even if you think you can’t do it I know you can’t because you’re still here so I know you were determined to succeed the people who would build if anyone’s build at this woman in time they’re gonna go off looking for the easy the easy button I know they are they see it happen time and time and time again but I can show you how you’re still here you’re determined I can show you how step-by-step work here now it’s time for you to succeed in a big wheel here y’all ready to invest in the right mentoring I’m gonna give you an opportunity to help 20 able to succeed in a big yeah yeah I’m bsut you offering your coaching here yeah and since I launched my coaching program credible success now since then many have gone on to become highly successful marketers and a built a business that makes a full time income and more yeah but hey here’s the thing okay something happened there’s an unexpected byproduct of my program some of my students have now became my top affiliates look at this okay this is one of my leaderboards and this is what happened look here my students dominated my leaderboard basically this is it okay the dominating my leaderboard so this looks so successful now that they’re now compete with myself another month what does a let me go back one up guys actually so this is my students dominate in my later boards okay but now what else this something else happened okay I started to compete with them on other marques launches so I’m competing with my students okay you can see these are my students and this is you know I’m competing with them on the leaderboards now you’ve gotta probably thinking now well that means I’m just training students to be my competitors and it’s a problem for me but that’s a furthest thing from the truth now because my students in my top affiliates yeah but basically talking about competing with them because when I have a launch you promote my launch and seals go through the roof and that’s great news for us all yeah because I’ve discovered most of my student in my top affiliates it’s obviously in my interest to bring more on board okay what bring more students into my program and this is why I want to give you an amazing opportunity be part of my most comprehensive program did yes now I join you to understand I’ve been doing this coaching paper since 2008 since January 2008 okay so I’ve been doing this a long time so I’m going to show you some case studies now some of these go back to them as well but I’m gonna it will make centers of water at least okay um let’s go quick Stewart Turnbull okay Stewart you start to drive 90 minutes to work each tier 19 minutes each we’re crazy I mean three years up three hours of you’re near gone just driving and pride of working with me was laid off from his dual office job at he’s had for twenty years okay and within a few short months oops within a few short months of working with me get his first product on Clickbank okay and basically he’s became so successful that he now owns more working online and the boring desk job we had for 20 years okay now I asked Stuart if he could tell me what he’s earning you didn’t want to tell me fair enough nothing wrong with that and Bruce full-time enough to support his family oh yeah he’s got over 10,000 buyers on his list and the methods and techniques you taught me and able meeting escape the rat race and they were rife of true freedom because I don’t rely on anyone else for my living I don’t rely on anyone else for my living I work from home and because I enjoy what I do never actually feels like work let me ask you would you like to become successful enough to quit your job and not to Norbury in a question but you know and this is Stuart’s first launch you’ll actually still find that product online printing in profits feel free to go and have a look and cake Perkis basically Keith are being met and living selling fall accessories you’ve been doing the same sort of thing I’ve had the accretion competition was causing prices to drop okay he decided to go online and move into selling digital products but after buying many more your special offers a couple of years est it wasn’t working for him up here then he met me and with my help I was able to exhibit launched his first digital product and from then on he started making a profit furiously at rejoined my partnership with Success Program okay and had a much bigger launch followed by increasing Caesars in the video basically when I launched my partnership with Success Program and I actually taught Keith what I was doing and he said John when you launch that program I need to be the first to north and he said call me so I literally called Keith and he was the first to join a $5,000 it’s the same program you’re going to be going in the year in the same program I’m talking about which has changed a lot since then but anyway Kate appeared five grand and this is what happened look Katie I mean yeah it’s yeah there’s $6,000 launch she was already in profit but since then he’s doing over 50 grand over 50,000 subscribers and BAE took a break up from I am when he’s daughter was born and the money’s kept coming in because he’s literally got product making money on autopilot and that’s a couple of examples of his products there yeah Ronnie Smith I was running a furniture shop try and make money online without any real success then by following meme he started to get approval to a few hundred a month online and then his furniture business went bust this seems to be a pattern of businesses going bust are things I out and he started working directly with me and then basically I think my part was growing on my clicker and from my advice following my by someone on one herb running with you but will avoid looking for another job when once you’re done in a full-time income okay and it’s some of Randy’s best moments 10 key appears 30 thousand subscribers by is sorry not not subscribers and you can see here what he’s talking about here and what I recommend being caused by John I have many times basically he makes five figures now monthly my buddies are definitely going here regularly sought out for advice by big marketers and still their buck lots of time for hobbies this he won he makes is gone coming and weekends that’s him with his family there and you know some of these stats you know best launched it’s quite a million dollars so that’s another major success story okay now I’m not gonna there’s not too many more of these I do promise I know it can become a bit tedious but I have to mention Omar Martin who’s become my more successful student and he was a paramedic and working in New York and after 9/11 he decided he wanted to complete change of lifestyle basically and almost partner was killed in 9/11 and he said I can’t do this anymore and he wanted a change of lifestyle and I’m struggling online the girls trying to build an online business the invested his rent money in my very first coaching program now I didn’t know at the time he did that he didn’t tell me for a couple of euro that he invented investing his rent money bring your beer so he said to his wife Melinda we don’t have the rent but what we do have I want to invest in this program and Melinda said if that’s what you feel we need to do let’s do it and this is we are biting to throw him in here yeah and since then he’s gone on to become my more successful student and eat there I have having problems with my clicker and basically be almost done wanna get League run from his first major launch she’s big launch and two years after he joined he’s doing all the form of grand over 60 websites online Horst at events and speaks on stage all over the world and says he’s on court unit basically this is an event my cell phone or mod it called the coolest Martin event ever and we had some top speakers there and that’s me with Walmart and Melinda MBA I’ve stared at their house three times they actually have a cupboard in their house with clothes in it’s not you know what might not student he’s a friend and that’s usually where things go and so hopefully you know it’s not just about me educating people it’s about me one on one basis and that’s just some examples there and seven million dollars he’s near now and he did three point seven million dollars in 2017 yeah and he’s some more names you might recognize one or two it’s gonna get some more water well he might recover look at those names even when you recognize and let me quickly talk about Shelley penny and she joined a program and you can see this was this portals hitting the mark merely March she talked about having their first launch doing 11,000 Canadian dollars and this is the end of the year and she’s doing one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars and then this is a the next year she was up a two hundred and seven thousand dollars yeah so that’s just surely the progress getting here this year she’s gonna do easily brick half a million easily ricotta meal in this year and Gary a lark I want to talk about him briefly he took what he learned and he learned the product creation process he’s now a JV manager who’s took he’s took her to another level and he’s doing something different portraits with the same information so we learned about the launch products and have a successful launch which took about him he’s took that information to help all the people have successful launches and he’s obviously getting a cut of these launches and he does not do as much work um this is some examples of products on GOP zoo launches here Rd and I don’t want this to happen okay yes Steven I’ll be and this was his first launch I do believe and where are we where are we where are we I’m trying to find the figure 13 grand okay of 650 sales from his first launch not bad at all and then he literally not long after he came third in a mere GTA V competition that was just a progress getting you oh yeah so you can see my students get the Mears in resorts look here Gorge without seeing I cook like I say we could be here idea and I don’t want that to happen but you can see my students get amazing results obviously I have to apply yourself this is not you know have to put some work in once you learn that process you can literally create cash on demand look here so here’s how it works here’s what I can do for you okay I want to give you step by step weekly coaching for the next 12 months yeah I’m going to show you how to do everything you’ve you know you’ve seen all of these success stories it’s a direct result of what I can teach over the next 12 months okay that’s value to one 997 okay here’s how this works I can teach you to build a profitable online business and create at least three successful products of your own over the next twelve months okay basically twelve months from now you want to be in a position to Gordon lon that’s the plan the present the plan is in twelve months you’re on position to go it alone remember you’re going to be following the real program that produces real results now you’re probably already wasted yours let me forget which quicks you know what simply doesn’t exist this is not a get rich quick program however with my program you’re going to be in a position to start generating income at your very first lesson yeah I’m not saying you going to me a millions after a few dears not going to happen but you are in a position to start making one yeah and here’s how we do it first of all you want to have an assignment to complete each week okay these assignments are broken down step-by-step and are easy to follow okay basically you only have to spend a few hours doing this okay each assignment only takes usually about two hours per week yes I’m a little bit more sometimes a little bit less and you just follow the videos step by step so you watch a video okay you do what’s on the video when you’ve done it your ticket box so say you’ve completed that task you move on to the next video it’s as simple as that you have a problem you get into it you see right Jonna something’s wrong in this video whatever that doesn’t happen very often it’s all sha sha simple step by step by step by step okay and that’s method of teaching is proven to work and doesn’t overwhelm you yeah I basically over the last I don’t know the last ten years or so I’ve realized the best way to teach my coaching and to teach what I’ve learned is to make them short sharp and video as I get straight to the point there’s no fluff I just show you what you need to do usually the video is between one and four four minutes long do it tick the box move on it really is as simple as that look here on top of that you’re also going to get 12 months of live mastermind sessions okay now that’s valued at 199 seven as well yesica lee these sessions are going to be live here and during these sessions are taped behind the scenes of my business ensure you what is working for me yeah so you get to see behind the scenes in my accounts you say what I’m doing the promotions I’m running the products I’m working on etc etc well you also see everything okay you get to see the money I’m here in everything yeah so you get to see how exactly how are you in my online income well you’re also going to see the progress of a partnership a success remember the name there’s not just about my launches and what I’m doing it’s about what the other members are doing – okay you’ll also get access to the members only forum and Facebook group now I’ll be honest the forum is not as popular as it used to be because it vs blue group has exploded in the Facebook group you’re gonna have exclusive access this is a hidden group you can’t find anywhere else you’re gonna interrupt with other like-minded individuals yeah this is your you’re going to be in a group where all the people have got the same borders you yeah you want to have access to previous student success stories okay the success story during the forum you can literally say someone going from an absolute beginner to accomplished internet martyr but the the Facebook group is very tight okay and remember there’s people in this Facebook group who have done this program who are successful in their own right and these are people you could connect with and build an online relationship okay so that’s that em you also got to get access to me Percy for the duration of the course and beyond that cause without seen so on top of the core team the mastermind session the Facebook group get access to me personally you’re going to receive a direct line to my office telephone number okay and you want to receive personal access to me yeah you can consult with me anytime you like I charge four hundred ninety seven dollars to consult with non-members so if you have ten consultations in a year that’s gonna be for grabs like four 997 okay yeah most people do take advantage of this and I advise you do especially when if you first come in the first few weeks let’s have a consultation and let’s see where you’re at and where the best plan of attack okay that’s part of the service however this is the big one this is the big one okay you’re also going to get a full product promotion okay so on top of the weekly coaching work worth one 997 and on top of the light mastermind sessions worth one 997 I’ve talked of the Facebook group worth 997 and access to me personally you’re also going to get a full product promotion to moment my entire subscriber database now I know you probably thinking what’s John talking about what does he mean full promotion well this is what I mean when you create a very first product I’m going to promote it to my entire subscriber dat beer so here yes all guns blazing and want to promote your product to every single one of my subscribers we’re talking over 200,000 subscribers or my five different autoresponders okay this will give you a product the Kickstarter needs to get the serum to me and this is the part where people struggle to do the hard work they create the product and then they’ve got a launch it and get the traffic this is where I change I’m okay you don’t have to struggle when your product is created because I make sure to drive you a ton of traffic to get this going look here this is something I’ve seen or other Marta offer okay now can you imagine seeing multiple sales come in from a promotion from me most of my promotion campaigns bring at least $2,000 in sales and usually a lot more okay can’t put an exact figure on because every single launch is different but usually I do over two grand in sales okay I’m going to be promoting your product by at least three broadcast emails to ensure this seals come flooding in so here’s the sort of results I’ve had promoting my students in the past imagine if I was getting these results for you here this is one launch a way pulling three thousand seven hundred dollars in commissions doing the affiliate builder launch came first on the leader board and my students came third and fifth yeah on this launch one the $10,000 first-place prize in produce nearly four grand in affiliate commissions on this launch I attended with the of Nicholas soon did six grand in commissions that was my share and obviously the first-place prize again there’s another one five five grand contest again to key in prize money basically I dominate at my students leaderboards these are all students launches appear dominate my students you only time on this one why came second I got beat by Jim Cockrum that was absolutely fine but basically mine Gareth had thousands of seals okay now when your launch is over I don’t stop sending traffic to your offer just in case you think it’s a flash in the pan one-time deal I basically continue to promote your product all gone there to all of my new gia B’s your customers basically when I promote products I put put the customers through a customer and autoresponder sequence and I promote them to them as well missing Sherwood you keep making sales even after your launches order so it’s not just a flash in the pan one time Dale at K company and I continue to make sales for my students on a daily basis okay this just one example and for student car Maile S key this is CEO time a for her product after her launch okay this is basically all going seals okay but we’re still not done you also get a full affiliate promotion as well and all might sound like too much to take what this is this is also part of what you get basically you’re going to get the step by step weekly coaching for the next 12 months okay laughter valued at one seven where I teach them everything you need to know to do this you get 12 months of live mastermind sessions where I take you behind the scenes of my business if you hand the scenes of my students businesses you say exactly how we earn our money online you get access to the members only form and Facebook group here you’re going to interact with like-minded individuals and public wars all important business relationships you get access to me personally for the duration of the course and beyond that’s a 5 grand value and to try to 497 power with the consult and you get a full product promotion to my entire subscriber base that’s not just for your first launch that’s for your first three launches that’s ongoing okay that’s the value of a 10 grand full introduction to my 3,000 plus arm even Philly it’s also valued at set six nine nine seven okay here’s how this works basically this is when I can introduce your launch to my 3,000 plus team of affiliates and where seals can go through the roof okay affiliates are actually crying enough approach to promote from marketers in your like and trust you might not believe I put the off and one of the easiest ways to get on their radar is a personal introduction from someone they already know that someone is me okay basically let me ask you how many coaching programs you know where the coach actually knows you create a quality product yeah I’m not going to make you’re going to create something of value yeah I’m gonna make sure that yeah and then I’m happy enough to actually me on my own affiliates and it reduce you and your products we’re not just talking about me a me on my affiliate what I’m I mean reducing you is some super affiliates if I think you’ve got the right product that’s a connection for another Martin language I lit with juice you and connect you and get the ball rolling okay I’ve done that many many many times and like I said if billiards are looking out for quality products to promote and I will ensure you create something you’ll want to promote yeah make sure of that remember just one meaning from a super affiliate can bring in thousands of dollars overnight remember the Jim cotton story okay again this is just some random stuff through the program what’s going on leaderboard League top sellers on jvzoo things like that okay I also want to point out one of my students shreya Banerjee this was a very first launch she didn’t want anything okay she didn’t know anything that she came in and she did 15 grand yet hundred customers on her list yeah so let me ask you a question are you my next success story let me check and I’m sorry if I’ve been missing the comments and okay I got a lot of very excited people here okay Wow John this is amazing some people are not believing this it’s all true guys you know the olive you know yes I’m going to promote your product that’s part of what a lot yep because no one else offers this and it’s understandable but the thing is we’re still not doing okay something I’m really am this this part I’m about to reveal is the literary the final piece of the puzzle okay this program isn’t called partnership to success than nothing okay now remember we launched this program but in the first the first time we launched partnerships our success with what in 2011 January 2011 and since then the most common question we get asked still to this dear is this one okay people ask us what can I do to start generating income while I’m working through the partnership program because basically obviously you’ve got to create a product and launch a product and that can take time know that the record for doing this is actually 56 years held by Miley esky and we usually see it you know if you put your mind where you can do this in 90 days which is manes in 90 days you’re in a position to make a full time income work yeah what some people still want a you know the want to get results quicker but what we’ve said in the past is follow the course do not deviate once you’ve launched a product you’ll be on the right path yeah that’s what we said time and time and time again okay now the problem is people want results too dear and that’s where you know there’s nothing wrong with that but things can go wrong because remember what we said earlier were people and you know what trying to find the easy way out trying to find a quick way to make money online trying to find some sort of automated Rich’s program well there isn’t anything out there okay so we wanted to try and come up with something that worked okay and we’ll BSA was forced to find something that worked because what I didn’t want to do I didn’t want people coming into the program and then getting distracted by other things so we didn’t want you know why we tell students not to get distracted and focus on the program some people can’t do that they still see offers coming in their inbox so we before to find a solution that works but while at the same time silly now when I remember support us on the program the most important thing you will ever do with this program is create a product of your own okay I can’t stress that enough but we’ve came up with you all that we’ve done for you solution okay this is all included in the program okay and this is a solution that will enable you to start generating sales as soon as two deer yeah here’s how this works what about your partner with me on all of my products in fact what if I let you sell all of my products and keep all of the money basically you get to keep everything okay I want to just show you here one of my typical sales funnels okay now this is a sales funnel and this is a front end product okay you’re gonna get 100% of that you drive traffic to this funnel put a little bit of traffic in here which I assure you how to do you get 100 percent you also get 100 cent of the upsells yeah in this example is $27 you also get 100 percent of the second or two your pinky in and that sells for forty seven dollars is also on this one in this particular program there’s a 795 come with week own again you get 100 percent okay then you’ve got the high ticket offer here here to your high ticket offer you’ll get $1,000 yeah if basically you comment you become an ambassador for this program and every time someone invest in this program through your link you get $1,000 we didn’t we’ve just brought this year this basically there’s new yeah what we used to do we used to peer a much smaller Commission we didn’t have the Ambassador Program and that’s what we’re putting together here now this is just one funnel look here what we put that through all of our funnels every fun of you promote you can earn 100% commission a 1-1 to be same commission on all of my products all of them plus $1,000 on the back end okay and I saw all leads are hard-coded now I do want to try and be saying oh a lot of people don’t understand what I mean by hard quarter but that what a PS any major is when you send any traffic any clicks you get a guaranteed to be a credit you yeah any any traffic you you send is guaranteed to be credit you because what we do is we use a special software program we’ll put your affiliate link in while the links they send out so if you if you send any traffic my way and we send out any email that contains your affiliate link book here now this is what my serious ones have generated before any high ticket offers remember this is before any high ticket offers and you get to keep 100% of the sales in all of these funnels the simple Traffic Solutions is doing at least 600 grand these are the different amounts the incident isn’t put over 200 basically we’re talking 1 million two hundred and forty thousand one hundred one dollars and one cent and this does not count high ticket sales which you also get one thousand dollars instant commissions okay so you’re getting basically one hundred percent commission on all of the products I create that are still currently for sale online and if you sell any and if anyone buys you get all of the money and then if anyone buys into partnership because you’re an ambassador you then get one thousand dollars as well instantly peered into your PayPal account yeah but we’re still not done we’re still not done okay here’s here’s that here’s something I came up with that literally should blow you away you put traffic into the funnel okay I basically collect the leads and I promote all the martyrs funnels on a daily basis for the next 12 months using your affiliate link here so you use your gob zoo link okay to send people to where to where my father okay I check that link and every single email I send out or not responder sequence you get pr4 okay I’m meal at least one email per deal for at least 12 months okay basically this appears you as well so you drop the traffic in at the start I start putting traffic through these funnels with your hardcore tat affiliate link which means you get even more permissions the best way to explain this is you just get more commissions okay if you’re if you’re still not getting your head around a hardcore don’t worry okay you put some traffic in we show you how you get peered for it for the next 12 months okay and we promote this to all of these different funnels yes it your different fall on every single deer for at least 12 months okay for at least 365 years here what still not done there’s one more thing basically when people join partnership and create the first product we launched it everyone in partnership helps to promote it well I’m gonna promote these launches using your affiliate link yeah so when if you put traffic into the funnel any leads you generate when we promote future launches it want to be containing your affiliate link so you’ll be actually making sales of other marketers products through your link and plus when your launch comes along you’ll get promoted as well okay it’s just basically anything any traffic you drive to any of my funnels you’ll get paid for yeah you should put a little bit of traffic in a little bit of trouble again and you’ll get pizza you’ll get paid on the students product launches as well so get pier 100% on all my products you get paid on all of the partnership products I promote on autoresponder sequence and the appear on all of the launches our students have using your links ok so let me just show you how this can pot you know how sort of an example of here this is simple Traffic Solutions and I’m being this on a thousand visitors know to get a thousand visitors it’s not hard to do with Tyler yeah this something it will probably get in you probably achieve that in a few weeks and scratch off yeah now if you think a thousand visit is like and you think that’s maybe tomb what you just divide this by 10 and have a bundle visitors okay so remember this is instantly in your peer pal account so let’s say you send a thousand visitors you should generate a hundred sales okay similar traffic solutions convert at more than 10% and we have to factor in things such as a traffic and where it’s coming from and things like that but we would hope you would do 100 from NLCS so you would already earn a thousand dollars just shy of a thousand dollars you will probably earn around thirty sales of upsell number one which would generate you or put you under $10 you I mean you’re getting all of this I don’t get anything and upsell to you probably expect the january of fifteen seals and that would generate you about seven hundred and five dollars that’s recurring or here and upsell three sorry this is a recurring one upsell three 795 come on that one there’s recurring okay not that one I do apologize so you want to get nine 999 999 fifty hundred and ten 705 and then seven hundred seventy nine fifty per month but you’d also hope to make at least one seal that will generate you a thousand dollars instantly oh yeah now you might have two seals you might get three Sheils I we can’t you know there’s no guarantee but this is a law estimate of what you could do okay that will give you at all of three thousand five hundred ninety four dollars and I’m gonna show you how you do that okay I’m gonna show you how you do that okay know again if you think uptil too much imagine if you just sent a hundred visitors you still be making three hundred and fifty nine dollars okay but don’t forget i’m going to be mailing or the market is falling with your heart courted leads every deer for at least an experience sixty-five years yeah and i’ll also promote or the partnership is six six members launches permanently using your hard core of affiliate link okay that’s permanently it’s still gonna be making money for years to come from this yeah this is a ultimate win win situation okay now i’m hoping you’re getting very very excited by this point because this is a game-changer what i’m doing here is a game changer again i’ve seen or other martyr to offer this okay so let’s look at this now you’re getting step by step weekly coaching for the next twelve months it’s going to show you how to create and launch at least three products of your own okay one 997 you’re getting 12 months of live mastermind sessions where we take you behind the scenes of our businesses each week that’s valued at 1 997 you get access to the members only forum and facebook group where you can interrupt with all that like-minded individuals 997 you get access to me personally for the jewish of the cost and beyond for 997 you get a full product promotion to my entire subscriber database 99-97 and you get a full introduction to my 3,000 plus army affiliate including my personal contacts 6 997 you also get the ability to clone my business okay 100% of the sales you make 997 plus close as a partnership of success a bus or that you get $1,000 payment appear instantly in your peer pal account each time you make a sale at partnership the success also you get hardcore delayed generating sales for at least the next 12 months value to 5 grand so we’re now up to forty eight thousand nine hundred and seventy three dollars hopefully you’re very excited now hopefully this is all stuff we’ve just came up with ok this is this part here 100% young Buster and the hardcore turd leaves up here because we wanted to make sure that people who come into this program gone we’ll do anything else you don’t have to buy another thing once you come into this program we took care of absolutely everything you need yeah so let me ask you do you qualify are you prepared to work hard to reap the rewards okay when I say hard I’m talking about – before I was per week can you put two to four hours per week in to build your online business are you dedicated here we don’t want you going off in different directions we don’t want you getting distracted and now with with what we’ve got in place that won’t happen or here do you have a burning desire to succeed I strongly believe every successful martyr had there’s something about them okay some sort of burning desire and whore free that’s going to be you are you went honest person willing to help others wars without seeing and can you follow us step-by-step instructions yeah the fact you made it this far would tell me that you can now this actually sells for five thousand dollars right now the partnership of success calm but obviously you’re not on the pier to stick with me for a few more minutes and want to sure your way and getting for a much much cheaper price look here remember I’m going to personally work with you for 12 months have you create your own digital products that you can sell all over and over again and you’re gonna have like direct access to me X and you’re going to have direct access to me where your for an email and Skype and once your products are ready and want to personally promoting to me and tidy at base with three mail progress for each product development and introduce you to my three thousand plus army of affiliates including my personal contracts remember this is just the hey tank and bring to warn author now I have to stress I can only take on a handful of students at this time so slots are going to be limited and you know you’re probably thinking why would you do that John well think about this for a woman okay I’m only one person and I can only physically take on a set amount of people I’d love to sell hundreds of copies of this right now but I couldn’t physically do it it would just be too much plus I want to make sure I give you the attention you need okay so here’s the deal give my partnership a Success Program try with is amusing guarantee if you’re seeing on the fence this should help nobody get a full 60 days to try this program out you can get to see inside the members area you can check out the training you can get involved and you get get set to 100 percent commissions you’ll become an ambassador if you find it’s not for you let me know there’s 60 deers for a full refund no questions asked now obviously if you’re just going to come in and do nothing this is not for you this program is not for you you have to put some working okay but as long as you’re prepared to do that you will not use this guarantee I promise you you would because you will be making money and you can start now making money with art with what we call a jump start program in literally a matter of hours you can be you could be an addition to make money in a matter of hours look yeah so that’s the deal does that sound fair to you okay we’ve also got one more little bonus just one more little bonus what I’m going to give you as well you’re also going to get every single one of my products okay basically everything I still current you’re going to get access to and that’s over three thousand dollars worth of information so you’re getting access to all the stuff I’ve done and anything I create within the next 12 months anything I create with the next 12 months you’ll get full access to and that’s that the lawn is going to add up and we’re more than your initial investment yeah remember you’re going to get the step by step weekly coaching for the next 12 months yeah where I show you how to build an online business step by step little steps just take each step as it comes very very easy to follow you want to get 12 months of live mastermind sessions where I take behind the scenes of my business a tweaking show you what’s going on also behind the scenes over there our partnership there student launches and things like that you’re gonna get access to the members only form in facebook group why did 997 let me tell you this alone it’s worth the price of what I’m charging the connections y’all wanted me in this group is going to be unbelievable okay and you’re also going to get access to me personally for the duration of the course and beyond that’s we’re more than double the what I’m going to charge and full product promotions my entire subscribe at the ATS 99-97 full introduction of my three thousand plus army of affiliates 6 997 the ability to clone my business to keep 100% of the seals again 997 warned of a $1000 Pearman spear in salina your PA Pollack home when you become an ambassador and 6 997 hardcourt early generations here for at least I mean this is going to be worth more than that you’re putting the lead in yeah after total value of 40 a thousand nine hundred and seventy three dollars again this sells for five grand a partnership with success comm of course you’re not want appear that you know even want to appear three if you take actually a deer you can get in four to nine nine seven but there’s one more thing I want to do here we normally sell this for true 997 at the discount okay but what if I give you one more thing that’s going to blow you away up here what do they give you a third for the one thousand dollar discount of your tick action right now yeah here’s how it’s going to work when you have your first five figure launch do you promise you’ll give me a testimonial there can be a video testimonial via text testimonial and just a testimonial that shows me how you’ve learned from the program if you’re prepared to do that I’ll give you a one further 1000 dollar discount right Network yeah plus there’s even a pmm plan in place if you take action right now so you can spread the cost as well yeah now you must understand I have never made an offer like this before never made an offer like this before no are you ready to get started okay because it’s the next link where you’re gonna be able to see what you need to do yeah on the next page you’re gonna see a link that’s where you can get in okay here we go swore you’re never gonna see the URL on the screen okay the first step is to go to that URL obviously you open a new indoor then go to that URL you can choose a payment option we have a payment plan in place and you can literally get started here remember you can get all these for an incredibly small investment of one nine nine seven you’re getting everything you see on this page for one 997 okay you’re getting a step by step weekly coaching for the next 12 months you’re getting 12 months of live mastermind sessions you’re getting access to the members only forum and Facebook group let me tell you that alone is worth what I’m charging here access to me personally for the duration of the course and beyond full product promotion to my entire subscriber dear Tobias a full introduction to my 3,000 plus army affiliates and personal contacts the ability to clone my business okay 100 percent of the seals $1,000 p.m.

It appeared instantly appear pal account because you became an ambassador and hard-coded latest generating seeds for at least the next 12 months now remember this normally sells for four nine nine seven and that’s before we added the jump start section here this is all part of the jumpstart program okay that was before we added that we put that in an or extra cost okay so you’re gonna get a three thousand dollar discount and you’re gonna get a program that is basically the best I’ve ever me at it okay no it comes with the guarantee sixty tears nor risk no questions asked 60-day money-back guarantee I am sure confident as long as you follow my training and long as you follow my instructions you will not use it I wouldn’t I wouldn’t offer this guarantee if a ton of people would take me up on it would I think about that for a moment the reason they offer this guarantee is because very few people tip me on it because people get results okay there’s one more bonus one more bonus there’s something else you’re also going to get part of products as well basically these are high ticket products they’ve sought exclusively for partnership with success members these are from other marketers okay there’s already over $3,000 worth of part of product in the members area already basically if you see a product you’re like you let me know like try and equate for all the partnership of success numbers I basically email the marketer and say look there’s any chance I can give this product my high ticket students if you let me do that I could promote your product that’s how it normally works we’ve already got 3000 plus worth of products in there already that’s another bonus for you okay remember you have an incredible opportunity here to finally stop buying product after product finally stop spending countless hours at your computer trying to figure it all out finally stop struggling with information overload and getting pulled in various directions finally stop looking for the missing puzzle piece dean videos you’ve now got two choices the first option is to do nothing you can get in the resiliency and results you’ve been getting or the second choice invest your time into a proven meant off and a proven program and fast-track yourself to online success remember the URL is on the screen just go to the URL choose a payment option and you can be started in the next five minutes I’m going to personally work with you for the next 12 months to help you create your own digital polishing to sell over and over again you remember you want to have direct access to me whenever you need it I’ll give you all the help and support you need and once your products are ready you want to personally promote them to me and tie your database with at least three more broadcasts for each product you develop and introduce you to my 3000 plus army affiliates including my personal contacts get him then to help get them selling for you as well again a reminder of what we can be doing for you so the final total okay here it is you’re going to get the step by step weekly costing for the next 12 months where I show you how to build a real online business and launch at least three products of your own step by step week by week you can build your business night one 997 you’re gonna get 12 months of live mastermind sessions where I take you behind the scenes of my business each week I’m behind the scenes of what the other partnership members are doing that’s 1 997 you’re gonna get access to the members only forum and Facebook group that is 997 again that is worth more on its own than the what I’m charging here okay you’re wanting access to me Percy for the duration of the course and beyond I charge for 97 per hour to consult consult me just ten times of you and you’ve got a five-run value you get a full product promotion to my entire subscriber dntps a full product promotion to over 200,000 subscribers that’s valued at 9 997 plus full introduction to my 3,000 plus army affiliates including my personal contacts to get them from what you as wealth 6 997 plus all of my products that are current over three thousand dollars the ability with this is a there jumpstart program the ability to clone my business in k1 would’ve percent of the seals here you get 100% of the seals of all of the products I create that are currently still selling on jvzoo okay that’s easily a 10 grand value $1,000 p.m.

It appeared instantly appear pal account as an ambassador this is something we’ve never done before that is 6 997 Plus that should be more because you know you’re gonna meet more than seven seals if you if you put your mind to this hard-coded leads generating sales for you for at least the next 12 months all of the products I promote through the later point of the funnel we’re going to have your affiliate link in them you’re gonna keep getting peered for different products and services like you but I am promoting for you okay hopefully already or you’re in hopefully you’re already in so now the big question is and you put the effort into building a real online business and become my next success story do you want to be my next success story the instructions are on the page go to the URL on the screen choose a payment option and get started it really is as simple as that okay that’s it now guys I know we’ve had a lot of questions I know I’ve there there’s probably some people been asking some repeat questions so I’m cool I’ve been getting fed through the questions and these are the most common questions get asked with the program as well and so I’m going to I’m going to go through these as well hold on a minute let’s get my get my slides up okay so remember all of this is what you’re getting you can recap here okay so the first question I get is what if I fall behind what if I fall behind though it doesn’t matter okay it doesn’t matter if you fall behind because first of all you get lots and lots of opportunities to catch up but secondly it doesn’t you it’s not a risk you can go it goes faster stores you want okay so if you find that you know you’re on week three and I’m emailing you about week ten it’s fine just take each week as it comes up here we can go we can take this at your Pierce it doesn’t really matter look here there’s not a risk everyone comes in a different part of the program everyone comes in sorry everyone comes in at different times so it’s not it’s not one of these programs where everyone comes in on the first of the month and everyone works through it there’s people completing this program every single week there’s people on week 14 every single week so those people going through the program that’s how we can bring an influx of new students in from time to time because as people go through the program we can bring more students in yeah so don’t worry if you’re far behind it and I’m a complete newbie will this work yes this program is geared with the newbie in mind up here we tick Bab baby steps in the first two or three weeks okay but while at the same time once well three weeks have passed you would not believe the progress you Mew now which if you find you a little bit more experienced it’s also walk here because we can gain the program personally okay but this program can take the moss-green newbie and turn them in it was successful internet marketer as long as you go through the program okay so if you’re a newbie it’s absolutely fine do this program have to take 12 months law the record is 56 days held by my Lee s key we can go as fast or as slow as you want so we can fast-track you through the program okay if you want to go hell for leather and you want to just put your head down and work through this program in record time we can make that half of you okay you do not have to we at each week for the material to be delivered we can fast-track you through this program do I need to spend anything else yes unfortunately you do we are building a business remember you need to have a horse in account which is about $78 per month if you use the company I recommend you need to have a start with the Aweber with an autoresponder which is about $20 per month I do believe the first 30 years is only $1 though and you want to need to invest in optimize press which is the software I use to build out my web sites and that’s $97 and you want to need some other little bits and bits of services about $200 worth as you go through the program that’s it yeah I’ve done my very very best to keep costs down to a minimum because I understand obviously and you know we don’t I don’t want it I don’t want it have you come in and find you have to spend thousands of dollars it’s not like that a few hundred dollars to get through the program plus about $30 per month that’s I’ve done my very very best to keep cost woman in the more here and I don’t have a lot of time is that okay yes as long as you can find about two hours per week you can go through this program week by week but don’t worry like I said if you’re far behind it’s all here you will get chances to catch up and the talkie if you’re doing it’s called your own peers can you go into success or care mmm I defined success as being in a position to quit your job okay that’s that’s how I define success yeah I can guarantee if you go through this program within 12 months you will be in a position to quit your yoga yeah that’s the best way I can do this I can’t make false promises I can’t say you’ll be one of us ain’t quitting your drama new year I don’t know how much you know you need to learn to do that but I can guarantee if you go through this program you follow what I’m going to get you about you will be in a position to quit your job within 12 months yeah is the guarantee you’re looking for and do you have a PMI plan yes when you go to the page you’ll see the link on this page go there you’ll see the payment plan okay you can break up the payments obviously appear a little bit more to go through there to pee on the PMI plan and something you might want to consider if you’re considering going through the PMI plan is PayPal credit okay if I can give you six months interest-free credit if you qualify so look for that option when you checkout click the $7 option and look for the peer pipe credit option and you might be able to spread the cost over six months interest-free and believe may be born through this program you know if you fast track through it you’re going to be in a position to earn that back before the six months is over easily yeah and what about a support we always recommend you use a help desk which is inside the link is inside the members area but we also give you a direct telephone number for the office in here so you can ring us when you need to we’ve also got the Facebook group and I always respond a messenger messages emails and things like that we don’t recommend that what if you email me I will respond yeah we always recommend where possible user support desk because everything is loved there is just this program half Wow hundreds literally hundreds am i don’t have you’ve seen a ton of success stories idea I could literally find hundreds of success stories with with my core team and this particular program has hundreds as well yeah you want to say all of these success stories in the inside once you get in the facebook group you’ll say what’s happening you’re going to realize that you’ve got into something very very very special yeah and how should I start making money with the jumpstart program now you can literally start making money within 24 hours you could be driving traffic and mitten sales of my product within 24 hours you could literally as an ambassador haven’t $1000 p.m.

Coming within 24 hours is that likely to happen I don’t know but you’re in a position to do that yeah gone are the days where you have to have a product launch to start making decent money with the jumpstart program you can literally get doing that very very very quickly yeah and what if I far behind we’ve already covered that one haven’t we do believe yes what do we have a nice walk here alright this one please explain how I receive $1,000 instant commissions okay when you join partnership with success now you become a partnership to success ambassador yeah what that basically means is you can promote the program and every time someone buys in you get a $1,000 instant Commission yeah now I actually have stuffed appear I actually have faced appear jvzoo and after you have fees to Pierre Pierre pal you get one felt we get nine hundred ninety-eight dollars and fifty cents okay but we call it a thousand dollars I get about six hundred and thirty dollars so you get quite a lot more than me this is like I said we never used to do this we are giving you the chance to literally recruit other people and get $1,000 seals now there’s a lot of ways you can do this but the main way to do it is to drop trafficking or a funnel you get the hardcore turd leads where we keep pushing the program and if by any chance someone doesn’t buy another program we then start promoting or the product or service is where you get peered again and again and again and again yeah so literally to answer your question you become an ambassador you promote the program you receive $1,000 instant commissions again it’s something we haven’t done before we’re hoping we’re going to have a lot of people become very successful with just that part of the program for sure again a final recap you’re going to get the step by step weekly coaching for the next 12 months right where I basically teach you step by step how to create and launch the product of your own okay you’re going to do that three times in the first 12 months once you’ve done it want to become sore sore much easier you’re going to get 12 months of live mastermind sessions where I take behind the scenes in my business to show you what’s working for me each week okay you’re also going to get access to the members only forum and Facebook group we can interact with all that like-minded individuals okay that’s a 997 value again that is worth the cost of the this program our lawn and the connections you make in there you will not believe you’re gonna get access to me personally for the Jewish of the cotton beyond that for 997 again just have 10 consultation with me in a year and that’s that covered that is a real value you’re going to get a full product promotion to entice subscribe and yet it is for your first three launches okay your value in that a 10 grand it’s generally gonna be more because when I run a meal it’s not just the meal I mean you know I I create a snowball effect when I me love the MARTA see me meals from the India that’s usually what happens also and we’ll have introduced you to my 3,000 plus are mere affiliates and my personal contacts again after seven grand value warned just warned super affiliate get you all of that the meals that’s that’s that covered okay you’re gonna get all of my products were three thousand dollars plus and part the the rest of it to jumpstart program where you get the ability Kalan my business and came 100 percent of the seals yeah basically you get to promote our let my products 100 percent of the whole funnels when I was taught in the front end were taught in the whole full so with the products in the funnel deliberately three four or five hundred dollars you get it all yeah and $1,000 p.m.

It appeared instantly your PayPal account as a as a partnership as a success ambassador you get $1,000 p.m. it appeared insulating your PayPal Park ordered late to generate CSV or for at least the next 12 months and beyond every lead you give us gets hard quartered every mail me send out continue your affiliate link every me know we said oh come on everything okay for the next twelve months at least total value fifty one thousand nine hundred seventy three dollars plus no this is not a middle figure or kit all of these prices can be justified I’m not just making these figures up okay every single one of those figures can be justified saw to get in you already see the URLs already on the screen go order the URL on the screen hopefully the page is still going to be up hopefully you gonna say it’s available if it’s not you’re gonna witness okay if you if you say you’re sorry we’ve sold out peered you would go on a witness the witness can be anything from a few weeks to up to six months just depends on how things are going with the program when we take a ton of people in we shut the doors we have to we can’t keep bringing in new members all here so that’s what will happen there if you see that if you see the es or that sign hopefully you want but if you do that’s what will happen and obviously choose a p.m.

And option if you see the order page and get started literally get started in the next ten minutes yeah right the guy so hopefully you’re gonna make that decision you’re gonna join us remember everything we’ve talked about on this workshop I do all right that’s how I earn my money okay online I create launch products of my own this is what I’m going to teach you how to do also with the JumpStart program you can literally became starting to generate an income within within hours okay so hopefully you know you’re gonna check out late with the earth remember there’s a 60 year guarantee should you not should you want to take advantage of that now what’s going to happen now hopefully I’ve covered all your questions I’m going to actually put some case studies on there you want to see a video runs for about 50 minutes for case studies if you want to stick around and watch tours you can’t and all hopefully as well if there’s any questions you need half a minute put them in the question box we’ll get back to you as well okay after their case studies the whole thing will run again so if you’ve missed the start just just we it and it will start again okay so and everything you possibly need is in this program there’s nothing I not like left any stone unturned oh yeah you can literally start making money with this program within hours yeah and you don’t need anything else I actually don’t even market to you I don’t send you emails I don’t send your promotions there’s no upsells there’s nothing else to invest in okay this is it okay so I want to just thank you for attending this workshop we want to thank you so much for investing the time in this and invest in your timing what I had to teach you hopefully you want to start working with me and hopefully work on are we working together real soon stick around and you’re gonna see some more case studies well that’s all from me my name is john thornhill like I said hopefully we’re going to be working together real soon thank you for attending hi I’m Jeremiah before I start I just won and Saint John freely helping me start my online business so I just want to make a quick story okay I started this a freelance graphic designer I don’t know selling I don’t know anything about info product or doing or making money online what what I just know it’s just you do a service for a person and you get money okay so I started getting curious how do this online marketers get their money and pay me in a recurring basis so what I did is I look for someone or a marketer that will help me from this journey from being a newbie to an advanced marketer so of course it will really help you a lot if you seen one so that time I saw John’s coaching and when you saw a coaching program what comes to mind is it’s not cheap it will really need a big investment on this and remember I’m still in college I don’t know where to get the money to invest in that coaching program but I realized that in order for me to a significant changes in my life I need to make a significant move for a bold movable decision in order for me to achieve what I really want in life so I decided to invest on John’s coaching and after a month or 2 to 3 months I launched my first product and my investment is 10x more so I already did I think 20 to 25 thousand dollars in my first launch imagine your investment multiplied ten times and I realized that it’s really important for you to have a mentor who will guide you in a step by step process and what I love about John’s coaching is you can really contact him he will teach you a step by step process on how you can start building your online business another thing that I love is the monthly case studies he will show you his campaigns what are the things that works what are the things that not do not works and I realized that it’s also important that you have a community to support you and his coaching program have members who will support you in your journey so right now I already reach six figures in my business and I just want to encourage anyone who wants to start a business online you will never go wrong investing into john thornhill coaching program okay this is the best decision I ever made in my life right now and if you are watching this video I want you to take action right now and claim your success and that’s all in this video I just want to thank John again and see you on the members area bye hey Dan Suleman here and I want to give a big shout out to John Thornhill in this video testimonial for guy that I’ve known for a very very long time I start marketing in 2006 and the guy who actually got me into marketing at that time was john thornhill as a matter of fact we used to actually work together in the same job I worked next to John for you know eight to ten hours a dear now I think that’s a privilege tough hair some people will appear many many thousands of dollars now to actually have John standing next to you for year to 10 hours a dear what now obviously things have moved on in 2009 I actually went to work for John and we worked together in a good working relationship for a few years and we have many business partnerships together we’ve drawn and partner think at least three or four companies together now along with other good friend and business partner T of Nixon know looking at John as a mentor and someone to turn to you have these guys the top 1% in the world you know this guy makes money online this guy’s we have millions of dollars online but the thing is he’s taken students and he’s taken students to make their incomes and they’ve left their jobs as a result of John’s teaching and of John’s coaching now if that’s not a guarantee in itself then you know what is this guy is one hell of a teacher is one hell of a mentor and you know if you stick with John he’s gonna take you where you want to go if you want to leave your current job if you’re looking for a better lifestyle and this guy’s the man to do it again take a look around obviously on this sales page it’s going to be a lot of testimonials for John and a lot of heart that works from people who he actually knows he’s actually worked with now simple internet search of warrior forum search something like that is going to show you what this guy is really made of and he’ll give you a hundred percent guarantee I can give you a hundred percent guarantee that if you are going to make it online John is the man to take you that hello everyone my name’s sue Worthington I’ve gotten online business which I’ve been running now for just over three years and I specialize in teaching small business owners and entrepreneurs how to use social media effectively to market their businesses and I have the luxury of earning my living from the comfort of my home and that is largely down to one person and that person is the totally amazing john thornhill now I have had mentors before during my online journey and I don’t regret those experiences at all because each one has provided me with valuable learning experiences you do need a mentor you can’t do it all alone you need the support that the mentor provides you and yes you may need more than one maaan mentor at different times but ironically enough the two previous mentors I’ve had were both past students of john thornhill which i didn’t know at the time now when i was looking online looking about John I didn’t find once in lot bad word about him now that I think he’s rare only the last 18 months in the program have never heard in to say one central bad word about anyone and that is a very important quality to me it’s about 18 months ago since I joined John’s partnership to success program and hand on heart it’s the best investment I’ve made during the past three and a half years as soon as I joined the program I felt like I became part of a truly supportive group of entrepreneurs who were all on the same journey which is really valuable I have instant access to John via email and Skype can you imagine that level of access to a millionaire marketer also what really impressed me was the support you get from John’s past students too you may have heard of Wilma Martin he is a past student of John’s and it was almost as if I had joined his mentorship program too that’s the level of support I’ve had from all myself thanks to him as well so what do you get when you joined the partnership to success program you get 52 weekly training videos covering every aspect of online marketing you get a weekly webinar while John takes you behind the scenes of his business and literally shows you the products is creating the prime oceans is involved in and the money he makes from lost promotions he doesn’t leave anything out it really opens up his business to you which is a great insight you also get access to join to speak to him via email and Skype emails are answered within 24 hours often less you also get every single one of John’s past products so you do have a complete marketing toolkit and someone to call when you have a problem or question you’ve got everything you need for a successful internet business so no the big part the enormous value of this mentorship are you ready why is it called partnership because if you create a quality product John will promote it for you now he can generate hundreds of sales with one email so this is such a massive value and you also have the sport of fellow partnership students past and present are willing to support you and to joint venture with you now finally don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is just a 12-month program once you’re in you’re in for life John does duck just not abandon you and remove you from its groups after a year you simply continue to get the same level of support if you need it for as long as you need it and that is truly remarkable and I was lucky enough to meet John it’s an event in Florida last year and he is every bit as lovely in real life – during the last ten months since I released my first product I have earned over $25,000 online and I fully expect my income levels to probably triple in the coming year so to say John Thornhill’s changed my life is an understatement John is about to open up a new partnership program so you have the chance to become one of John’s partners I wouldn’t hesitate if I were you if you have any questions about the program or about my experiences with the program then do please find me online I am on most social media platforms and there will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have because I do understand that it is a substantial investment but I promise you that it can be one of the best investments you will ever make if you are serious about building a your business online so I look forward to meeting you in the partnership to success program and helping you in your online journey if I can hi guys my name is Brian Oliver and I am a student of John Thornhill in fact I have completed his partnership to success program now I feel privileged to record this testimonial for John because I want to show my appreciation for what his course has actually done for me now before I found John you know I was a typical one of the internet marketer jumping from one shiny object to the next you know never getting anywhere really with my business had no focus or direction I could build simple WordPress websites but that was about it I wasn’t making any money at all in fact I was spending it fast and you probably remember being there yourself now moving on and after finding John I now have my own successful website where customers actually pay me to join and those customers and our buyers on my list now I did have some apprehension before joining the program because as if all programs it does you know promise a lot and the cost of a good mentor does not come cheap but the thing holding me back the most was was the fact that I’ve tried lots of things before and I’ve always failed now this program actually delivers on all this promises and in fact over delivers and John’s help continues even when you complete the program in fact I think John’s program has a hundred percent success rate so if you go on to finish the course you know you’ll be sitting where I am now now when my product launched my first product was called the list building formula and with John’s help in my tend a large period I actually created seven hundred new members that paid me to join my launch actually generated just over two thousand six hundred dollars in that period and I’m still receiving recurring income now now those seven hundred buyers went on to join you know they’re now in my buyers list so I’m now an affiliate marketer you know I can promote all the products to these buyers and now every week now I’m making money from doing affiliate promotions I’m also appearing on the leader boards of product law not only early in the Commission’s but winning prizes as well now I’m not sure what’s holding you back but with you being on this page you have a great opportunity in your hands so I would grasp that opportunity now rather than floundering about looking for one product to the next like I did you can take that shortcut and get yourself a mentor like John now John is the real deal you know he really over delivers and is there for you you know his support desk is there to help you too there’s a big community that’s involved in the partnership program and all the other students will help you out too the contacts I have made while completing the program have been invaluable you know and the contacts contacts for life I would imagine what’s stopping you I would join today and I’ll see you in the members area cuz I’m I’m in there every day as well so take care hi this is Gary Camtasia and today I’ve been asked to provide a brief overview of my online business as well as share with you the impact that the partnership to success program by John Thornhill has had on that business and in simple terms my online business has enabled me to buy a beautiful French house its mortgage free in the French medieval town called angoulême now I’m a passionate cyclist so what better way to build a business and to use the internet and cell cycle gear online and I started off by using eBay now the results well they were okay but there was an awful lot of work packing things up and going to the post office and if you’ve received any of my jerseys then you don’t know that the French post is really expensive and this created a challenge for me because most of my customers they come from the UK and I’m having to compete with UK suppliers so I realized at the time that I had to create multiple revenue streams I needed to do more and accelerate my learning and it was about then about four years ago that I came across this guy called John Thornhill and his story seems similar to mine in that he had started his online business on eBay – but he had done something very different to transform his business to generate revenues that I can only dream of at that time I needed to do some research and I wanted to find out how on earth these seemingly wealthy internet marketers were making a healthy living from the web I needed to tread cautiously because I knew that there was an awful lot of hype and rubbish out there so I dipped my toe in the water and bought some of John’s data products the results were encouraging and the material that John sent me was excellent and it was soon after that I had enough trust to invest in his partnership to success program and that was in early 2012 and it was probably the best decision that I made that year each week I received a comprehensive step-by-step guide on what to do next to build my online business and each week John provided conference calls attended by fellow students that even today has proven to be invaluable I’ve now got access to a fantastic group of people who are there to help support and guide me on my next online project they’ve also become great friends and throughout the course John made himself available and even today the long after the completion I’m still able to draw on his knowledge and experience to help them with my business now the course is about twelve months long but be prepared there’s a lot of work involved but I can assure you if you complete the course then you will be in a position where you can truly benefit from the internet so that it does become your main source of income for me well I can create as many products as I like you can check them out just type in auction money generate a series in Google and see for yourself I create my own websites and I am most importantly I have access to a great group of internet marketers now since I made the decision in early 2012 I’ve made in excess of $50,000 I have over three and a half thousand subscribers as part of my membership and I have a fantastic platform so that I can generate additional revenues without making a single trip to the post office so if you’re serious about your online business then consider the partnership to success program it was the best decision that I made in 2012 and I wish you well if you need any more information please feel free to contact me I can be made available on the Gareth Kentish comp website it’s another example of the party to success program thanks for watching I wish you well my name is Gareth County hi my name is Dean Weber and I want to tell you why I joined the partnership to success program well it all started about four years ago when I decided I was going to find out how everyone was earning money on the Internet well that has been quite the learning experience at first the information was overwhelming and I did not know what was good bad new old or scam I also spent a lot of money I’m trying to figure it all out and eventually found out I had a common internet marketing disease known as SOS the shiny object syndrome then about two years into this rabbit hole I watched my first online webinar on product creation by John Thornhill which was a huge stroke of luck I could instantly tell that John was the real deal and he was offering a training course that help could help me create and launch my own product so I signed up before the webinar ended and before I knew it I had a product of my own to market on the Internet simple crazy traffic if you ever ever thought of or in the process of creating and launching your own product then I highly recommend you consider this program for what you get for the price I cannot think of any reason for you not to pull the trigger and sign up for it now offers like this do not come along very often so don’t hesitate anymore sign up now I guarantee you will not regret it my name’s David with joined John sponsored Success Program back in 2012 I married join last year in 2012 I joined the July and December launch my first product third air-traffic floor within two or three days we’ve done two thousand dollars of sales which was absolutely brilliant we’re building a list of buyers that say I thought I’ve made it go last quite not like that I did so sidetrack and I moved into other areas away from Prada creation and I realized that bit the list out I didn’t contact them for six months and so on anyway that’s another story the program itself worked flawlessly after many many years probably twelve years ten twelve years buying stuff online and not getting anywhere nor near covering the cost of what me or steam Mars and autoresponder and the cost of the things I was buying nowhere near I’m sure that a lot of people couldn’t I’ve been down that same room buying thing that one thing after another not quite good we want something else not quite good not bad enough to ask for a refund and they don’t want to become a seeing a refund not quite bad enough for a refund but not what you’re looking for we’re all looking for that push button unfortunately you’ve got to get a grip of yourself and realize that that is not available what is available is John’s program and if you’re looking for guidance you can’t go to a better place the cost of the program now is half what it cost me when you virtually guaranteed to get that money back when you put margin product not only from John’s hundred thousand subscribers when he promotes for you but all the JB’s all the other partnership students have get involved it’s like a big family and you’re not on your own and not part of the training should you feel daunted about it because helps always you have to ask now the reason I rejoined again is because I think what our tangent slightly I did get away from what I intended to it I’ve got more into admin and support what took me the guy who and I would never admit where the Partnership Program an Australian guy who teaches English to Japanese students perhaps another story in itself but means to be up top and we’ve done a couple of things together and because I’ve gotten more involved in the admin side and the support side a white tree here another product and we’re better to go back to was John’s program no I’ll be honest the main reason I’ve gone back in tonight because I know they’ve come launched their I don’t want to get John’s promotion and it’s like virtually it’s like well you try getting hundred thousand so long see how much that cost you hmm so what I’m saying is getting this program twelve months from now you’d be looking back and thinking that’s the best thing I’ve ever done don’t get in this program carry on buying one product after another after another after another look on your hard drive in twelve miles from whatever all the stuff you bought that you never used and look back and think what what could have happened but I joined dog hip-hop here get inside I just want to make a quick video testimonial for John formul and his partnership to success program now I joined John’s partnerships to Success Program think it was January 2015 and at the time I was really struggling of was making virtually nothing online like literally under a hundred dollars a month and joining his program has really helped me achieve great success in the internet marketing area currently I’m actually making a lot more money on do this part-time and as an example last month I launched a product that generated $45,000 us in revenue so it’s really great feeling to be able to do this full-time and get out of the nine-to-five rat race and just joining this program I’m not a member of it anymore but just joining this for a year wasn’t really allowed me to set myself up online and basically move forward the great thing about his program is that if you launch a product you’ll get his support he’s basically basically a super affiliate and that’s probably the number-one thing about anyone getting into a product launch scene is that it’s hard to get good affiliates until you’ve got your name out there but if you join this program you’re a hundred percent guarantee to get someone with a massive list of I think it’s around a hundred thousand people he’ll be mailing that product to them so it’s basically like a license to print money not only that he actually has awesome live webinars awesome members area live training I have one-on-one calls with him and he really guided me through all the pitfalls of online marketing and all the ways to make it successful for you so I’ll just show you a few screenshots right here of some of the affiliate income earnings I was able to achieve as you can see you know this is just promoting other people’s products and making great daily figures such as these ones here and have also been able to crush affiliate leaderboards as well none of this would have been possible had I not joined the partnership to success program so take it from me this is a brilliant program if you have any doubts at all I was basically making no money and now making a great full time income online I’ll also just put a few links below to some of the products I’ve launched successfully since being a part of John’s group and you can check them out for yourself as well thank you hi this Keith from Keith purchased calm and I just wanted to record this quick testimonial for John Thornhill’s partnership to success program I first came across John many years ago on eBay and he helped me create my first ever products around 2007 I later joined partnerships success in 2011 and created another product later that year John promoted it and it grossed well over $6,000 since then John’s added a ton more material and I’ve seen many people’s success with his training I had the daughter a few years ago and that’s really one of the biggest benefits of working online you can choose when you want to work and I actually took quite a lot of time off but I still had recurring income coming in one of the most valuable benefits of partnership to success is the secret Facebook group I’ve made a lot of contacts in there some of whom have become good friends now most people will use partnerships of success in the internet marketing niche but if you prefer another niche you can apply everything inside partnerships are that instead these are some of my results in a Clickbank account outside of I am now it’s up to you what you want to do once you completed the course but there’s plenty of opportunities to build the business you choose so I can highly recommend joining the program and I hope to see you on the inside I met John online in 2009 so for a few years ago now and I went with his masterclass program because I had a book that I wanted to market and I signed up for the masterclass program it was a very interesting program it taught me an awful lot about being online that I really didn’t know at all I was coming into it really from scratch I did have a book already written but there were an awful lot of things that I’d missed out a lot of things that I just hadn’t thought about when you’re going to market something one of the most valuable things that happened for me is it enabled me to start my own blog and he encourages everybody to buy a domain name and to host their domain name their blog online I had a blog before that it was a free blog it’s very limited what you can do with the free with a free platform so the whole process of creating my own blog learning all the technical aspects is I’m not techy at all it was really easy you follow John basically every video shows you exactly what to do and how to do it and if you don’t get to the place where he’s at with the video he has an amazing support system it’s not just John there’s a whole team of people they all specialize in certain aspects of the program on and the technical side and so you can put in a ticket and they will answer your questions very very quickly so there was no waiting around there was somebody always on the other end of the email to help me out when I needed it and believe me I needed a lot of help so moving forwards now he now has the partnership to success program and I decided to sign up from that because he offered us master plan students an incentive to get into the program so I came on board with partnership to success and I have to say it’s a very different kind of course it’s equally as good in terms of you being able to follow along the videos are very easy to watch they’re very easy to follow but also it has a lot more it’s more up-to-date than the master class was obviously a lot of a lot of things have changed since then John uses different software now and some of the stuff that we used in master class is is gone it’s long gone so it was really good to get on board with partnership to success now the biggest thing for me is I had limited success with master class it was a very good program but the book I wrote really wasn’t for the general public at that time it might be now I don’t know maybe already launched it but at the time it really was not really what people were looking for I’ve come on board with partnership to success with a very DIF head-on I’ve come with a very different attitude the program is set up so that everything that you need is provided for you and if there’s something missing put in a ticket ask for help the nicest part for me is right from the beginning I took John’s teaching very very seriously I listen to everything that he advised and I followed it to the letter it’s it’s made me a very successful blogger my blog is very very well viewed it’s very very well attended it has a good ranking and the techniques I used I learned from John and a lot of people I’ve seen coming onto the courses don’t seem to take on board those kind of key elements that he’s trying to teach you to make you successful and popular people have to know like and trust you and John teaches you how you can become a marketer who’s in the position where your subscribers will know like and trust you I am now also in a position where I am being asked to partner on products with big-name marketers and I have reaped the benefits of my long my long learning you may learn very much more quickly than I did I like to take my time over things I like to go very in-depth but to be honest the partnership to success program is one of the best I’ve seen I’ve had some other teaching and it hasn’t been anywhere near up to scratch the biggest part for me though is the support that you get you have everybody behind you there are a whole team of people they really want you to succeed and they have such an amazing wallet of knowledge that they will give to you they will share with you they’ll encourage you in addition to this there’s the Facebook grit and the Facebook group is amazing in master class we had a forum things have moved on from those from those days there’s still a forum forum for partnership to success but the main support and interaction with your fellow students goes on in the Facebook group and we all support each other we all help each other we all give each other tips there are new people coming on the course all the time so don’t feel that you might be kind of left behind because some of us are more advanced the reality is we’re all here to help each other and if you are thinking about going on to Jon’s partnership does this success program you seriously won’t go wrong I should do it today thanks for watching I just want to take a few minutes of your time and coming to talk to you about Jon Thornhill’s partnership to success program and the reason that I’m doing this is because it’s a program that I’ve been a part of some considerable time and to help you see how I’ve benefited from it I just want to tell you a little bit about my background story now originally I started out on eBay in 2003 same as everybody else just buying and selling of some sorts of stuff little bits of things didn’t want things that I wanted to buy and it was at that point that I came across John Thornhill it was a big ebook seller at that particular time when he baked and bought one or two his items and of course over the years you tend to see John’s products again and when you’re looking for stuff you find some of those other offerings as well and in 2006 I started selling on eBay myself and became quite successful quite quickly really and I was rather pleased with that and still about 2008 and what happened is lots of people made changes came into effect which sort of not the small guys like myself at this out of the picture so started looking around for other opportunities and that came across as we’ve all gone these millionaire system and I bought a millionaire system ashamed to admit and this came with a nice big box and lot of orphans from videos and the product and the product was an e-book and came with the websites as well and I had no idea what to do with this at all and when I look through the e-book it was very very poor in content I have no idea about putting a website up I have no idea about PayPal buttons no idea and the more that I thought about it the more I convinced myself I couldn’t do it and it cost me rather a lot of money 500 UK pounds at that time which is about also dulles so not any considerable amount of money and it was money that had completely wasted I hadn’t clue I didn’t know about hosting they didn’t know about how to transfer files all sort of techie stuff that people sort of get home walkabout and which is actually a lot simpler than you think but if you don’t know that then it was a it was a bit of a barrier for me and I went back to eBay and i found some quite long issues that hardly anyone was exploiting so it became successful in eBay again but there was the nagging doubts that all eBay had to do was to change one of their policies which the very very fond of doing and that could wipe out a complete stream of income again so started thinking again about how it could expand my business and perhaps do something a bit different and I bought some more films products and one of them was called many students make a river which was a paperback book and I devoured that and I still have it today and it was full of fantastic information and I wanted to know a little bit more so I actually fired off a few emails to John so my great surprise I actually got personal reply that sort of really sort of knocked me out because some guy who spent less than 10 pounds someone who’s very very successful take the time to write a personal email to me and that quite impressed me that so we read the book several times and decided that I chopped this course myself go on my own way and a few months later in my inbox in my email the dropped in and the invitation to have a look at John’s mentoring program and the first thing I thought about it was wow yes I want to be part of this but second thing they thought about is what I’ve just spent a few wants to go 500 pounds on something that didn’t work so naturally it was a little bit worried but the thing that sort of flipped me over was the fact that John has an n-tuple reputation is literally one of the great guys one of the good guys and I thought you know what if I’m gonna make an effort I’m good and do something for myself I’m going to trust John to do this and there were many other mentoring programs were about with John because it replied to my emails personally the stuff at bought from him which admittedly was very very cheap offered great value and it was clearly able to produce his own profit so he wasn’t just talking the talk he was actually walking the walk and I rather like that so what I did is a signed up for his mentoring program and literally in a few weeks I’d lent the skills but I still use today now that was awesome to me because I never produced the websites I’ve never done a blog and although we’re trying to produce my own products in other words ebooks to sell on eBay I’d have been less than successful is the easy way to put it John’s course was structured I could do all the lessons at my own pace that could work at my own pace so it didn’t matter and fell behind slightly or I could actually do some extra work I wanted to to produce my own profit and I did I actually produced my eBay product and my eBay product was 120 pages of an e-book now ebooks were big in those times so I wouldn’t be producing hundred and twenty page ebook these days but it was a massive achievement for me I put it up for sale on Clickbank and it made $5,000 which would many many more times than I’ve actually spent to learn how to do this and I was quite astounding I produced another one the following year again an e-book because that’s literally the way that marketing went to that particular time it was mostly ebooks and then I went off and did a few other things I went into one was in Kindle I was very very early into that one and I mean quite a lot of success again using the skills that learned from John’s course and then someone said to me well why don’t you produce a course on publishing and pop up online and I thought you know things have moved on a little bit now so what I’ll do is instead of producing an e-book I’ll learn how to actually do it the way that the major marketers do it now the first person that attendance who was of course John so I worked with him in the ps2 program and did the launch on jvzoo which is never used before I launched my new publishing roadmap and that made $10,000 worth of sales that was absolutely astonishing so in the year that followed I produced three further products now the only way that I could have actually done this is by following John’s support by following his lessons and to working with him as well now this is Friday morning I’m starting my conservatory and I’m at work because I gave my job or just over three and a half years ago to work for myself and after I shot this video cut my food with half an hour so I literally semi-retired I work when I want to I choose the hours I want to work and it’s a great lifestyle and the person that I would point the finger at was doing this for me is John find him now John’s partnership to success program comes from a very highest recommendation you’ve heard my story and I owe this to John I owe my business to John I know the skill I’ve been able to transfer into other areas of my business I came to John because by following his mentoring by following his lessons by following his business model which is what he reveals and ps/2 that’s allowed me to do that so if you’re even just on the edge if you’re only thinking about it if this is what you want to do jump on the program get yourself involved and PS to work with John getting involved with the older members I often partner with other people inside ps/2 program I frequently partner with my great friend Steve King and we produce a continuity program this year which is twelve products it’s been an absolute blast so my recommendation is jump on this now and use the opportunity to work with John to build your own business so rub cardamon signing out I might go and do another half an hour’s work now who knows hi Trevor McAfee here now I’ve been online off and on since 2009 now I’ve struggled like most people trying to figure out how all this stuff works to create my own online business now I found John’s partnership the success program in 2014 I looked into John as I hadn’t really heard a whole lot about him before but I did discover that not only did he have some really great products he was a top affiliate and had mentored a lot of marketers that I was already following now I bit the bullet and joined the partnership to success program now upon logging into the members area I was really impressed no other coaching program I had been in before had laid out the steps the way that John had done I followed the steps I started talking with John and Randy but what I wanted to do and then I started creating my first product called operation list building now I launched operation list building in July 2015 I had 136 front-end sales and the total launch made two thousand eight hundred and ninety seven dollars now the support that I got from John and Randy throughout the launch was awesome I learned a lot about how to launch a product the right way and that was worth the price of admission alone now forward to May 2016 following the partnership to success process I created a software called instant funnel machine not only was I able to be a top seller on jvzoo for my launch I had four spots on the top sellers leaderboard and it was awarded product of the day I remain in the top sellers board for the entire seven days of my launch now instant funnel machine generated over 1500 front-end sales and I still have sales coming in at this time now the launch alone generated forty six thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars in seven days I heard even more affiliate commissions inside my members area and I added fifteen hundred new buyers to my email list and I couldn’t have done this without the fundamentals and training I got from John in the p2s community I have since released some smaller products and made my way on some launch leaderboards so what does the future hold for me obviously more product launches now that I have a proven system to speed up my product creation I’m starting to collaborate with other top marketers to create some really great new products and obviously I’m gonna continue to build my business by expanding my network of friends and partners now I highly recommend the partnership to success program if you’re looking to build your online business it worked for me and I am confident that it will work for you now I want to thank you John and all of the partnership to success family for all of your continued support hi my name is omar martin and it’s important that you watch this short video till the very last frame as a matter of fact they might be the most important video you ever watch no don’t freak out I know that sounds cheesy and if I was listening to something like that a few years ago I probably would have ran for the hills but pay close attention because I really do mean that as a matter of fact this could be one of those times in your life that divides everything this is my testimonial for John Thornhill’s partnership to success program here’s what I mean by dividing everything in our life there are events that are so big so important that they literally divide time and every thing that happens in your life becomes something that happened before that or after that a marriage for example everything becomes either something that happened before you got married or after when you think back at things you say oh yeah that was before I got married or you think back at something you say yeah yeah that was after we bought our house or oh that was before we had kids again such big important anchors in our life that they literally divided time and investing in John Thornhill’s coaching was one of those times that divided my life it was one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made today we have a million dollar company my wife Melinda even it sounds crazy even saying that my wife Melinda and I right out of our home here in Palm Bay Florida have built a million dollar company we average ten thousand dollars a week in in income online and that is because we’ve built a business by following the steps that John taught us in this coaching program it’s it’s one of the best investments you’ll ever make now we had to work our ass off so it’s not like you’re buying a lottery ticket here or something it’s it’s it’s a proven method John taught me step by step exactly what I needed to do in order to change my life and I’ll tell you it was hard work cuz I had a full time job like most families in America my wife and I were working we had good-paying jobs but we were up to our eyeballs in debt as a matter of fact when John first launched his coaching program I’m not embarrassed to admit it anymore we were broke and we couldn’t even afford to pay a rent I remember calling my wife into the room and saying honey I know we don’t have enough money to pay the rent right now but we should take the money that we do have for the rent and we should invest it into this coaching program and she looked at me like what are you crazy and I said yeah because if we invest in this coaching program and follow these steps we’ll build a business will be successful and we won’t have to worry about money anymore now I remember coming home after ten hours a day of work and my full-time job and I would come home and I would work all night and I’d be on my computer watching John’s training videos that he would send us and and I’d be communicating with him and I’d be following all the steps and building my product building my blog driving traffic and doing everything that he explained in the training I really worked hard I even worked weekends and we’re gonna make sure that I got it done it didn’t happen overnight took me a while and we didn’t make a million dollars our first year in business but I’ll tell you what little by little it all built up and over the course of the last five years we’ve made over three million dollars online we’ve got over 60,000 customers in our subscriber base we’ve paid out over a million dollars in affiliate Commission’s to our 2,800 affiliate partners that we have so we’ve built quite a successful business we’ve effectively removed the factor of money from the equation of our lives and that’s because we worked hard and we simply followed John’s steps we followed his training I think one of the most valuable pieces of the puzzle is that joining Jon’s coaching it was it was much more than just like joining a training program or like going to school or something like that it was we join a community I’ll tell you it’s like a family becoming a partner to success it means that you’re part of a tightly knit group of people that helps one another inside of this group we support one another’s launches we promote for each other we help each other break through barriers it really is a family and you just don’t get that anywhere you don’t get that from college that’s for sure I’m somebody that paid a lot of money to go to college and grad school I have an education and medicine and I’ll tell you it truly was a waste when you think about it because after you’re done paying all of that money and investing all of those years and years and years and years of your life into college they don’t guarantee you anything you don’t walk out of there with a business you know with with John Thornhill’s partnership to success you are actually getting the action steps things that are working right now you’re gonna be following them to build a business that’s gonna start making you money if you’re willing to do the work and again this isn’t like could get rich quick thing you’ve got to be willing to work like I was like Melinda wasn’t like the entire family inside the partnership to success community I’ll tell you you can really make all your dreams come true this can be the event that divides your life and you owe it to yourself and your family to take action right now on this page find a way to make it happen make this investment like I said for me I literally had to use my rent money action in the day but if I didn’t have that right I would have borrowed it I would have done whatever it takes because it’s made all the difference in my life and it can make all the difference in your life you could be on a testimonial video like this all you’ve got to do is take action right now and put in the work I hope to meet you inside of the community inside of the forum inside of the group I hope to help support you and and and and basically promote your launch when you create your product through john thornhill partnership to success program take action and I’ll see you inside take care

As found on Youtube
